Special Issue Title:

Update on Cervical Cancer Prevention and Screening

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 March 2021

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Special Issue Editor

  • Guest Editor

    Tiziano Maggino, MD, PhDE-MailWebsite

    Department Obstetrics and Gynecology, “Dell'Angelo Hospital -Zelarino 30174, Mestre-Venezia, Italy

    Interests: Obstetrics and gynecology; Cervical cancer screening; Gynecology oncology

  • Guest Editor

    Vasilios Pergialiotis, MDE-MailWebsite

    First Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Gynecologic Oncology, Alexandra Hospital, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece,Laboratory of Experimental Surgery and Surgical Research N.S Christeas, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece

    Interests: Cervical cancer

Special Issue Information

Dear Colleagues,

Cervical cancer of the uterus is a neoplasia in which the scientific progress has produced an impressive reduction in the incidence and mortality.

This is particurlaly linked with several development in the knowledge of the natural history of the disease:

  • The patogenetic role of HPV infection has been definivelly well established with a clear multistep process of development;
  • ● The organized population based cervical cancer screening programmes at national and regional level have produced an increasing detection of dysplasic and early invasive lesions particularly in young women;
  • ● Introduction of HPV- high risk test as primary screening test has produce an anticipation of the detection of the dysplasic lesions;
  • ● More conservative treatments have been proposed for the screen-detected lesions with consequent respect of the anatomo-functional integrity of the uterine cervix;
  • ● Recently some markers of progression may be identified aiming to select which lesion requires follow-up istead of immediate treatment;
  • ● Vaccination agaist HPV has been introduced in many western countries with an expected further reduction in the incidence of the disease;
  • ● The first cohorts of vaccinated girls have reached the age of screening programme and the consequance of this implies a substantial changes in the strategies of the screening programme in term of organization, test to adopt, frequancy and interpretation of the results.

The special issue of the journal will offer to the readers the highlights of the researches in the field presented by authors with recognized international experience and reporting, in some part, the actual position of the national group of cervical screening programmes in Italy.

Prof. Dr. Tiziano Maggino and Dr. Vasilios Pergialiotis

Guest Editors


Cervical cencer screening;HPV-vaccine;Cervical dysplasias

Manuscript Submission Information

Manuscripts should be submitted online by submit system. Manuscripts can be submitted until the deadline. All papers will be peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be published continuously in the journal (as soon as accepted) and will be listed together on the special issue website. Original articles, case reports or comprehensive reviews are invited. For planned papers, a title and short abstract (about 100 words) can be sent to the Editorial Office for announcement on this website. Submitted manuscripts should not have been published previously, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere (except conference proceedings papers). All manuscripts are thoroughly refereed through a double-blind peer-review process. A guide for authors and other relevant information for submission of manuscripts is available on the Instructions for Authors page. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology is an international peer-reviewed open access journal published by MRE Press. Please visit the Instructions for Authors page before submitting a manuscript.The Article Processing Charge (APC) for publication in this open access journal is $1200. We normally offer a discount greater than 30% to all contributors invited by the Editor-in-Chief, Guest Editor (GE) and Editorial board member. Submitted papers should be well formatted and use good English.

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Published Papers (6 papers)

Open Access Special Issue

A prospective cohort study to identify biomarkers predicting the regression of grade 2 Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia. Study protocol

Annarosa Del Mistro,Helena Frayle,Silvia Gori,Alessio Pagan,Marika Soldà,Cesare Romagnolo,Egle Insacco,Licia Laurino,Mario Matteucci,Enrico Busato,Manuel Zorzi,Tiziano Maggino

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo4205136

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Update on Cervical Cancer Prevention and Screening)

Abstract ( 1218 ) PDF (717.8 kB) ( 187 )

Open Access Special Issue

Developing evidence-based Multisociety Italian Guidelines for cervical cancer prevention: rationale, methods, and development process

Francesco Venturelli,on behalf of the Multisociety Italian Guidelines for cervical cancer prevention Working Group

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo4204098

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Update on Cervical Cancer Prevention and Screening)

Abstract ( 1279 ) PDF (291.08 kB) ( 177 )

Open Access Special Issue

HPV vaccination in women treated for Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia grade 2 or 3: evidence-based recommendation from the Multisociety Italian Guidelines for cervical cancer prevention

Francesco Venturelli,Multisociety Italian Guidelines for cervical cancer prevention Working Group

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo4205153

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Update on Cervical Cancer Prevention and Screening)

Abstract ( 1372 ) PDF (507.06 kB) ( 194 )

Open Access Special Issue

Towards the elimination of cervical cancer: HPV epidemiology, real-world experiences and the potential impact of the 9-valent HPV vaccine

Gian Marco Prandi,Silvia Cocchio,Marco Fonzo,Patrizia Furlan,Michele Nicoletti,Vincenzo Baldo

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo4205156

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Update on Cervical Cancer Prevention and Screening)

Abstract ( 1504 ) PDF (1.01 MB) ( 208 )

Open Access Special Issue

Development of evidence-based guidelines for follow up of women treated for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or 3 (CIN2/3) in Italian screening programmes

Paolo Giorgi Rossi,Anna Iossa,Carmen Beatriz Visioli,Francesco Venturelli,Paola Garutti

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo4205157

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Update on Cervical Cancer Prevention and Screening)

Abstract ( 1182 ) PDF (1.88 MB) ( 185 )

Open Access Special Issue

Number of colposcopic cervical biopsies and diagnosis of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia: a prospective study

Ugo Indraccolo,Erica Santi,Piergiorgio Iannone,Chiara Borghi,Pantaleo Greco

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo4204100

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Update on Cervical Cancer Prevention and Screening)

Abstract ( 1283 ) PDF (114.18 kB) ( 149 )

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