Vol.44,Issue 3,June 2023

Original Research

Open Access

Dyslipidemia is positively associated with cervical cancer in Korea: Korean national health and nutrition examination survey 2010—2020

Seon-Mi Lee,Sanghoon Lee,Tak Kim,Jae-Yun Song,Hyun-Woong Cho,Kyung-Jin Min,Jin-Hwa Hong,Jae-Kwan Lee,Nak-Woo Lee

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2023.032

Abstract ( 1606 ) PDF (989.89 kB) ( 200 )

Open Access

Analysis of clinicopathological factors affecting the chemoradiotherapy sensitivity in advanced cervical squamous cell carcinoma treated

Zhenhua Zhang,Qian Dai,Yueshui Zhao,Shixin Xiang,Mintao Xiao,Fukuan Du,Huijiao Ji,Xu Wu,Mingxing Li,Qinglian Wen,Jing Li,Zhongming Yang,Zhangang Xiao,Jing Shen,Li Li

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2023.033

Abstract ( 1361 ) PDF (7.62 MB) ( 189 )

Open Access

Clinical characteristics and risk factors analysis for the recurrence of pelvic endodermal sinus tumors

Yanglong Guo,He Wang,Xi Chen,Qingqing Lin,Tao Zhu,Yingli Zhang

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2023.039

Abstract ( 1167 ) PDF (3.2 MB) ( 186 )

Open Access

Incidental risk of malignancy in mature cystic teratoma: experience of a single tertiary center

Ceren SANCAR,Şahla GASIMOVA,Gürdeniz SERIN,Osman ZEKIOGLU,Necmettin OZDEMIR,Levent AKMAN,Mustafa Coşan TEREK,Ahmet Aydın ÖZSARAN,Nuri YILDIRIM

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2023.040

Abstract ( 1295 ) PDF (289.37 kB) ( 145 )

Open Access

KRT17 promotes endometrial cancer cell migration as well as angiogenesis by regulating HIF-1α/VEGF pathway

Li Xu,Yanbo Liu,Ping Xu,Limei Zhang,Mo Li,Yang Zhang,Lu Peng,Fengxia Xue

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2023.041

Abstract ( 1149 ) PDF (5.36 MB) ( 167 )

Open Access

Analysis of genotype and age distribution of cervical human papillomavirus infection in Futian District, Shenzhen, China

Baifen Shen,Hongyun Xu,Xudong Liu,Rui Ma,Huimin Li,Guihua Hu,Ronghua Sun,Dongwei Mao

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2023.042

Abstract ( 1240 ) PDF (1.64 MB) ( 175 )

Case Reports

Open Access

Cancer of unknown origin in gynaecologic oncology

Martina Romanova,Jaroslav Klat

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2023.045

Abstract ( 1512 ) PDF (1.08 MB) ( 200 )

Open Access

A case report of vulvar embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma in an adult pregnant woman

Jie Wang,Xuejin Ma,Lin Jiang,Huangfei Yu,Tingchao Li,Ling Wei,Shiguang Li

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2023.046

Abstract ( 1574 ) PDF (6.67 MB) ( 170 )

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