Vol.43,Issue 6,December 2022


Open Access Special Issue

Molecular markers and endometrial cancer

Ottavia D’Oria,Giorgio Bogani,Enrico Vizza,Vito Chiantera,Ludovico Muzii,Maria Giovanna Salerno,Donatella Caserta,Antonio Simone Laganà,Andrea Tinelli,Giacomo Corrado,Andrea Giannini

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2022.051

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Molecular Characterization in Endometrial Cancer: Progress and Prospects )

Abstract ( 1452 ) PDF (272.64 kB) ( 251 )


Open Access Special Issue

Feasibility and safety of minimally invasive technology for interval cytoreductive surgery during advanced ovarian cancer after neoadjuvant chemotherapy

Hua Yang,Yutao Wei,Panxia Deng,Honghui Ou,Huilong Nie,Yuan Zhuang

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2022.052

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Enhanced Recovery of Gynecological Oncology)

Abstract ( 1556 ) PDF (4.96 MB) ( 212 )

Original Research

Open Access

Robot-assisted surgery for early uterine corpus cancer: assessing the learning curve

Masakazu Nishida,Kaei Nasu,Kentaro Kai,Mitsutake Yano,Yasushi Kawano

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2022.054

Abstract ( 1436 ) PDF (3.65 MB) ( 198 )

Open Access

Vaginal hysterectomy using the ERBE BiClamp® bipolar vessel sealing system as a surgical approach for endometrial cancer—single surgeon experience from a district general hospital

Niamh Haughey,James P. Beirne,Gillian V. Blayney,Lynsey Hinds,Declan Quinn,Donald Chandranath,Gary J. Dorman

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2022.055

Abstract ( 1664 ) PDF (1.79 MB) ( 203 )

Open Access

Application and comparison of several machine learning methods in the prognosis of cervical cancer

Yawen Ling,Weiwei Zhang,Zhidong Li,Xiaorong Pu,Yazhou Ren

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2022.056

Abstract ( 1582 ) PDF (7.37 MB) ( 210 )

Open Access

Visual analysis of minimally invasive surgery for breast cancer: a bibliometric analysis

Peng-fei Lyu,Hao Qin,Naer A,Guang-Xun Lin,Ping-ming Fan

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2022.057

Abstract ( 1606 ) PDF (8.85 MB) ( 208 )

Open Access

A random forest-neural network coupled model for predicting the recurrence location of uterine cancer

Fengchun Liu,Xiangdong Huang,Jian Wang,Liya Wang,Jingguo Qu,Dianbo Hua

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2022.059

Abstract ( 1323 ) PDF (4.08 MB) ( 163 )

Case Reports

Open Access

Uterine lipoleiomyoma misdiagnosed as uterine fibroid in a pregnant woman: a case report and literature review

Yunyun Wang,Liping Li,Wei Fan,Rongfang Zheng,Xuefen Fan,Yuzhen Guo

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2022.063

Abstract ( 1374 ) PDF (1.49 MB) ( 146 )

Open Access

Low-grade serous carcinoma with solid growth pattern: an unusual architecture and potential pitfall

Elizabeth Arslanian,M. Ruhul Quddus,Linda C. Hanley

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2022.064

Abstract ( 1270 ) PDF (2.03 MB) ( 203 )

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