Vol.34,Issue 1,January 2013

Original Research

Open Access

The pathogenesis of endometrial polyps: a systematic semi-quantitative review

U. Indraccolo,R. Di Iorio,M. Matteo,G. Corona,P. Greco, S. R. Indraccolo

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo340101

Abstract ( 1336 ) PDF (746.96 kB) ( 204 )

Open Access

Expression of E-cadherin in primary endometrial carcinomas: clinicopathological and immunohistochemical analysis of 30 cases

M. Varras,E. Skafida,T. Vasilakaki,A. Anastasiadis,C. Akrivis,N. Vrachnis,G. Nikolopoulos

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo340104

Abstract ( 763 ) PDF (314.94 kB) ( 151 )

Open Access

Cytology at the time of cervical colposcopy

O. L. Tapisiz,K. Ertan,J. Tyner,M. Borahay,D. H. Freeman,G. S. Kilic

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo340105

Abstract ( 820 ) PDF (59.5 kB) ( 111 )

Open Access

Stage IB1 cervical cancer patients with an MRI-measured tumor size ≤ 2 cm might be candidates for less-radical surgery

J. Kodama,C. Fukushima,T. Kusumoto,K. Nakamura,N. Seki,A. Hongo,Y. Hiramatsu

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo340106

Abstract ( 815 ) PDF (108.24 kB) ( 121 )

Open Access

Polymorphisms of glutathione-s-transferase M1, T1, and P1 genes in endometrial carcinoma

K. Ozerkan, M. A. Atalay,T. Yakut,Y. Doster,E. Yilmaz,M. Karkucak

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo340107

Abstract ( 849 ) PDF (78.9 kB) ( 147 )

Open Access

Depth of glandular crypts and its involvement in squamous intraepithelial cervical neoplasia submitted to large loop excision of transformation zone (LLETZ)

C. Okazaki,G. R. A. Focchi,N. S. A. Taha,P. Q. Almeida,M. A. Schimidt,N. M. G. Speck,J. C. L. Ribalta

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo340108

Abstract ( 876 ) PDF (58.74 kB) ( 149 )

Open Access

Atypical endometrial lesions: hysteroscopic resection as an alternative to hysterectomy

P. Litta,C. Bartolucci,C. Saccardi,A. Codroma,A. Fabris,S. Borgato,L. Conte

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo340109

Abstract ( 718 ) PDF (60.1 kB) ( 147 )

Open Access

Predictive factors of malignancy in patients with adnexal masses

M. Terzic,J. Dotlic,I. Likic,N. Ladjevic,N. Brndusic,T. Mihailovic,S. Andrijasevic,I. Pilic, J. Bila

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo340112

Abstract ( 694 ) PDF (72.71 kB) ( 130 )

Open Access

Decreased prevalence of high-risk human papillomavirus infection is associated with obesity

U. S. Jung, J. S. Choi,J. H. Ko,J. H. Lee,S. Y. Park,S. H. Park

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo340113

Abstract ( 814 ) PDF (79.35 kB) ( 132 )

Open Access

Characteristics and prognosis of ovarian metastatic tumors: review of a single-institution experience

V. Ulker,C. Numanoglu, V. Alpay,O. Akbayir,I. Polat,A. Gedikbasi, A. Akca

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo340114

Abstract ( 779 ) PDF (105.49 kB) ( 136 )

Open Access

Evaluation of osteopontin and CA125 in detection of epithelial ovarian carcinoma

M. Milivojevic,V. Boskovic,J. Atanackovic,S. Milicevic,S. Razic,B. Kastratovic Kotlica

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo340116

Abstract ( 734 ) PDF (95.72 kB) ( 131 )

Case Reports

Open Access

Uterine malignant mixed Müllerian tumor after adjuvant tamoxifen treatment for breast cancer

C. Grigoriadis,G. Androutsopoulos,D. Zygouris,N. Arnogiannaki, E. Terzakis

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo340119

Abstract ( 830 ) PDF (632.57 kB) ( 105 )

Open Access

Atypical polypoid adenomyoma mixed with endometrioid carcinoma: a case report

L. Nejkovic′,V. Pazˇin,D. Filimonovic′

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo340121

Abstract ( 848 ) PDF (254.32 kB) ( 109 )

Open Access

Perivascular epithelial cell tumor arising from polypoid adenomyoma: a case report

T. Ishibashi,K. Nakayama,N. Nakayama,H. Katagiri,N. Ishikawa,K. Miyazaki

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo340122

Abstract ( 764 ) PDF (919.74 kB) ( 148 )

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