Article Type
Special Issue
Keywords: Quality of life; Palliative care; Symptom management
Editor: Lori Spoozak, MD
Keywords: Endometrial cancer; Fertility preservation; Surgery fertility sparing; Ovarian reserve
Editor: Dr. Giuseppe Gullo, MD, PhD,Dr. Alessandra Lopez, MD,Dr. Valentina Billone, MD, PhD St.
Keywords: Ovarian cancer; Cytoreductive surgery; Recurrent ovarian cancer; Retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy; Women cancer global variation
Editor: Basel Refky, MD
Keywords: Radical hysterectomy; Fertility Sparing; Oncological Outcomes
Editor: Carlo Ronsini, MD
Keywords: Gynecology; Obstetric and Gynecological Ultrasound; Menopause Obstetrics; Gynecologic Oncology; Gynecologic Pathology
Editor: Ottavia Dʼoria, MD
Keywords: Leiomyoma; Leiomyosarcoma; Ovarian cancer; Cervical cancer; Endometrial cancer
Editor: Prof. Takuma Hayashi
Keywords: Targeted Therapy;Ovarian Cancer;Endometrial Cancer;Cervical Cancer
Editor: Jacek R. Wilczynski, MD
Keywords: Cervical cencer screening;HPV-vaccine;Cervical dysplasias
Editor: Tiziano Maggino, MD, PhD,Vasilios Pergialiotis, MD
Keywords: BRCA 1-2 mutation;Ovarian cancer;Prophylactic surgery;Reproductive medicine;Hormonal treatment
Editor: Gennaro Cormio, MD
Keywords: Gynecological cancer;Immunology;Tumor microenvironment;Cytokines;Peritumoral stroma;Immune response
Editor: Eddie Fernando Candido Murta, MD,Rosekeila Simõs Nomelini, MD,Millena Prata Jammal, MD,Agrimaldo Martins Filho, MD,Cid Almeida de Lima, MD
Keywords: Gynecologic cancer;Hysteroscopy;Cancer prevention;Early diagnosis;Cancer screening;Pre-operative cancer workup
Editor: Christos Iavazzo, MD,Victoria Psomiadou, MD,Anastasia Prodromidou, MD,Alexandros Fotiou, MD
Keywords: Ovarian cancer;Endometrial cancer;Cervical cancer;Tumor markers;Follow up;Prognosis;Target therapy
Editor: Francesco Plotti, MD, PhD
Keywords: Cancer immunotherapy;Cancer vaccination;Immune checkpoint inhibitor;Ovarian cancer;Cervical cancer;Endometrial cancer
Editor: Tadahiro Shoji, MD
Keywords: Radiotherapy;Gynecological oncology
Editor: Cem Onal, MD
Keywords: Surgery;Gynecological cancer;Surgical indications;Perioperative care
Editor: Federico Ferrari, PhD
Keywords: Rare cancers;Ovarian cancer;Cervical cancer;Endometrial cancer;Biomarkers
Editor: Aristotelis Bamias, MD,Michalis Liontos, MD, PhD
Keywords: Endometrial cancer;Medical treatment;Risk factors
Editor: Fabio Landoni, MD,Torres Lobaton, MD
Keywords: Cervical Cancer;Endometrial Cancer;Ovarian Cancer;Oncology Panel;Molecular Classification;Hereditary Gynecological Cancer;Minimally Invasive Therapy;Robotic Surgery;Hysteroscopy;Artificial Intelligence Technology
Editor: Osamu Hiraike, MD, PhD,Kenbun Sone, PhD
Keywords: Gynecology Oncology;Endometrial Cancer;Ovarian Cancer;Vulvar Cancer;Breast Cancer;Aragón
Editor: Laura Baquedano Mainar, MD
Keywords: Ovarian Cancer;Diagnosis;Prognosis;Treatment Response;Personalized Therapy;Platinum Resistance;Homologous Recombination Deficiency;Immunotherapy;Cytoreduction;Proteomics;Genomics;Prognostic Biomarkers;Diagnostic Biomarkers
Editor: Sharad Ghamande, MD,David Mysona, MD
Keywords: Cervical cancer;Ovarian cancer;Uterine/endometrial cancer;Vulvar cancer;Vaginal cancer;Breast cancer;Gestational trophoblastic disease;Primary peritoneal cancer
Editor: Enrique Hernandez, MD
Keywords: Ovarian cancer;Cytoreduction;Aggressive surgical techniques;Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy;Lymphadenectomy;Splenectomy;Diaphragm resection
Editor: Paul M. Magtibay, MD
Keywords: Breast cancer;Systemic treatment;Adjuvant setting;Metastatic setting;Genetic councelling;Triple negative breast cancer;Her2+ Breast cancer;Endocrine treatment
Editor: Michael Friedrich, MD,Nicolò Bertozzi, MD
Keywords: Gynaecological Cancers;COVID-19 Pandemic;Ovarian Cancer;Endometrial Cancer;Cervical Cancer;Breast Cancer;Radiotherapy;Chemotherapy;Surgery;Toxicity
Editor: Giuseppe Carlo Iorio, MD
Keywords: Minimally invasive surgery;Uterine cancer;Cervical cancer;Ovarian cancer;Comparative effectiveness;Overall survival
Editor: James Stuart Ferriss, MD
Keywords: cervical cancer;novel treatment and prevention strategies;predictive biomarkers
Editor: Yvonne G. Lin, MD, MSc,Ritu Salani, MD, MBA,Megan Swanson, MD, MPH
Keywords: next-generation sequencing (NGS);massive parallel sequencing;bioinformatics;human papilloma virus (HPV);oncoviruses;vaccination;targeted therapy;precision oncology;endocrine disruptors;pollution
Editor: Luca Roncati, MD
Keywords: Ovarian Cancer, Epithelial Ovarian Cancer, Optimal Debulking Surgery, Chemotherapy HIPEC, Platinum-resistant Ovarian Cancer, Anti-angiogenesis, PARP Inhibitors
Editor: Samir A. Farghaly, MD, PhD,Scott M. Eisenkop, MD
Keywords: Gynecological Cancer; Enhanced Recovery After Surgery; Minimally Invasive Surgery; Pain Management; Nutritional Support; High Quality Nursing; Psychological Counseling; Complication Management
Editor: Lin Li, MD
Keywords: Endometrial Cancer (EC); Molecular Biomarkers; Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor; Precision Medicine
Editor: Andrea Giannini, MD, PhD
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