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Combined panniculectomy and surgical staging of endometrial cancer: the Northern Ireland experience

  • James P Beirne1,2,†
  • Susan Addley3,†
  • Gillian V Blayney4
  • Sandra McAllister5
  • Heather Agnew6
  • Elaine F Craig6
  • Ian JG Harley2,6
  • Hans Nagar6
  • Stephen P Dobbs6
  • David Glenn7
  • Patrick Comiskey8
  • Michael Stafford9
  • W Glenn McCluggage10
  • Stephen Sinclair5
  • Mark H McComiskey6,*,

1Department of Gynaecological Oncology, Trinity St. James Cancer Institute, St. James’ Hospital, D08 NHY1 Dublin, Ireland

2Patrick G Johnston Centre for Cancer Research, Queen’s University, BT9 7AE Belfast, Northern Ireland

3Royal Derby Hospital, University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Trust, DE22 3NE Derby, UK

4Royal Jubilee Maternity Service, Royal Group of Hospitals, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, BT12 6BA Belfast, Northern Ireland

5Department of Plastic Surgery, Ulster Hospital, South-Eastern Health and Social Care Trust, BT16 1RH Dundonald, Northern Ireland

6Northern Ireland Gynaecological Cancer Centre, Belfast City Hospital, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, BT9 7AB Belfast, Northern Ireland

7Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Ulster Hospital, South-Eastern Health and Social Care Trust, BT16 1RH Dundonald, Northern Ireland

8Department of Medical Photography, Ulster Hospital, South-Eastern Health and Social Care Trust, BT16 1RH Dundonald, Northern Ireland

9Department of Anaesthetics, Ulster Hospital, South-Eastern Health and Social Care Trust, BT16 1RH Dundonald, Northern Ireland

10Department of Pathology, Royal Group of Hospitals, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, BT12 6BA Belfast, Northern Ireland

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo4301001 Vol.43,Issue 1,February 2022 pp.146-152

Submitted: 06 July 2021 Accepted: 11 October 2021

Published: 15 February 2022

*Corresponding Author(s): Mark H McComiskey E-mail:

† These authors contributed equally.


Background: Endometrial cancer is the most common gynaecological malignancy in the Western world and has a strong association with obesity. The incidence of endometrial cancer is rising and can be attributed, in part, to the ongoing obesity epidemic. The surgical management of endometrial cancer in women with class III obesity, defined as those with a body mass index (BMI) 40 kg/m2, can be particularly challenging. Case(s): We report the early experience of panniculectomy as an adjunct to endometrial cancer staging surgery in Northern Ireland (NI). We outline the generic surgical approach and report the outcomes of the first four cases undertaken. We discuss the important role that panniculectomy holds in the surgical management of endometrial cancer in women with III obesity. Conclusion: The initial experience, in NI, of panniculectomy as an adjunct to endometrial cancer staging surgery greatly facilitated surgical exposure and allowed adequate surgical staging to be performed. In carefully selected cases, the surgical procedure can be completed safely and effectively with greater ease.


Obesity; Endometrial cancer; Panniculectomy; Apronectomy

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James P Beirne,Susan Addley,Gillian V Blayney,Sandra McAllister,Heather Agnew,Elaine F Craig,Ian JG Harley,Hans Nagar,Stephen P Dobbs,David Glenn,Patrick Comiskey,Michael Stafford,W Glenn McCluggage,Stephen Sinclair, Mark H McComiskey. Combined panniculectomy and surgical staging of endometrial cancer: the Northern Ireland experience. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2022. 43(1);146-152.


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