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Case Reports

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Primary small cell carcinoma of vagina: report of two cases

  • Jingni Zhang1
  • Yi Luo1
  • Rui Yuan1,*,

1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, 400016 Chongqing, China

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo4206189 Vol.42,Issue 6,December 2021 pp.1310-1315

Submitted: 17 January 2021 Accepted: 16 March 2021

Published: 15 December 2021

*Corresponding Author(s): Rui Yuan E-mail:


Background: Primary small cell carcinoma of vagina (SCCV) is highly malignant and rare. Only 39 patients with this malignancy can be found in a search of the PubMed and MEDLINE database, and most of them died within 12 months of diagnosis. Cases: We report two patients with primary vaginal small cell carcinomas. Their tumors show similar histologic and ultrastructural neuroepithelial elements. Both of them underwent radical surgery, received different adjuvant therapy, and had different outcomes. One is without recurrence 36 months after surgery and the other recurred within 2 months of completing treatment. Conclusion: Although surgery for the treatment of early-stage disease is suggested, surgery followed by chemotherapy and radiation may be superior to surgery alone. Receiving chemotherapy and radiotherapy as soon as possible after surgery may improve patient prognosis.


Small cell carcinoma; Immunohistochemical staining; Chemo-radiotherapy;

Survival time

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Jingni Zhang,Yi Luo,Rui Yuan. Primary small cell carcinoma of vagina: report of two cases. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2021. 42(6);1310-1315.


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