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Reproducibility of sentinel node detection in endometrial cancer by ICG fundic & cervical injection

  • Mikel Gorostidi1,2,3,*,
  • Ruben Ruiz1
  • Ibon Jaunarena1,2
  • Paloma Cobas1
  • Arantxa Lekuona1,2,3
  • Irene Diez-Itza1,2,3

1Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Hospital Universitario Donostia, 20014 San Sebastián, Spain

2BIODONOSTIA Health Research Institute, 20014 San Sebastián, Spain

3Department of Medical-Surgical Specialties, University of Basque Country UPV/EHU, 20018 San Sebastián, Spain

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo4206185 Vol.42,Issue 6,December 2021 pp.1285-1290

Submitted: 22 June 2021 Accepted: 16 August 2021

Published: 15 December 2021

*Corresponding Author(s): Mikel Gorostidi E-mail:


Objective: The aim of this study is to study the reproducibility of the dual injection technique of IndoCyanine Green (ICG) in the cervix and fundus in endometrial cancer. Methods: Between June 2014, and December 2019, 278 patients underwent laparoscopic surgery for endometrial cancer at our institution. In all cases, under a prospective cohort study, we performed Sentinel Lymph Node (SLN) biopsy with dual cervical and fundal ICG injection. Lymphadenectomy was also performed if intermediate or high-risk criteria were present. All cases were performed independently by three surgeons, with the same protocol and system, and their results were compared. Results: Global, aortic, pelvic and bilateral pelvic detection rates (DRs) were 93.45%, 67.27%, 90.18% and 67.64%. There were no significant differences for DRs between the three surgeons. The probability of finding a positive SLN was 8.8% (SD 2.8), 21% (SD 4.1) and 12% (SD 3.3), respectively, with a significant chi-squared difference (p = 0.041), which was statistically associated with preoperative risk factors (p < 0.001) and not to a surgeon’s factor in a multivariate logistic regression. Conclusions: The SLN biopsy with both cervical and fundal ICG injection offers good overall detection rates and improved mapping of the aortic area and can be reproduced with similar results among different surgeons.


Sentinel node; Endometrial cancer; Indocyanine green; Lymphadenectomy; Reproducibility; Aortic sentinel node

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Mikel Gorostidi,Ruben Ruiz,Ibon Jaunarena,Paloma Cobas, Arantxa Lekuona, Irene Diez-Itza. Reproducibility of sentinel node detection in endometrial cancer by ICG fundic & cervical injection. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2021. 42(6);1285-1290.


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