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Case Reports

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Synchronous ovarian, endometrial and cervical cancer—case report

  • Englert-Golon Monika1
  • Słopień Radosław2,*,
  • Smolarek Natalia3
  • Burchardt Bartosz4
  • Sajdak Stefan1

1Department of Operative Gynecology, University of Medical Sciences of Poznań, 61-841 Poznań, Poland

2Department of Gynecological Endocrinology, University of Medical Sciences of Poznań, 61-841 Poznań, Poland

3Department of Mother’s and Child’s Health, University of Medical Sciences of Poznań, 61-841 Poznań, Poland

4Forensic Medicine Department, University of Medical Sciences of Poznań, 61-841 Poznań, Poland

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo4205158 Vol.42,Issue 5,October 2021 pp.1093-1094

Submitted: 16 February 2019 Accepted: 29 April 2019

Published: 15 October 2021

*Corresponding Author(s): Słopień Radosław E-mail:


Background: MPMs are generally divided into 2-categories. The most common is endometrial and ovarian cancer but the coexistence is still unclear. Case: A 49-year old patient was admitted because of ovarian tumor extending from the right ovary an ascites. Immunohistochemistry reactions showed synchronous cancer: cervical (IIA1/T2a1), en-dometrial (IIIA/T3a) and ovarian (IIIB/T3b). Conclusion: Synchronous malignancies of female genital tract are very rare clinical situation. They account for about of 0.8–1.7% of malignancies. In relation to prognosis multiple synchronous cancers have a better outcome than metastatic disease of the same organs and the prognosis is limited to the tumor with the worst prognosis.


Ovarian cancer; Endometrial cancer; Breast cancer

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Englert-Golon Monika,Słopień Radosław,Smolarek Natalia,Burchardt Bartosz,Sajdak Stefan. Synchronous ovarian, endometrial and cervical cancer—case report. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2021. 42(5);1093-1094.


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