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Systematic reviews

Open Access Special Issue

Health related quality of life scales in women diagnosed with gynecological and breast cancer: the role of resilience. A systematic review

  • Ana Cristina Ruiz Peña1
  • Yasmina José Gutiérrez1
  • Javier Navarro Sierra1
  • Andrea Espiau Romera1
  • Pluvio Coronado Martín2
  • Laura Baquedano Mainar1,*,

1Department of Gynecology, Miguel Servet Hospital, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain

2Department of Gynecology, Clínico San Carlos Hospital, 28040 Madrid, Spain

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo4205154 Vol.42,Issue 5,October 2021 pp.1048-1057

Submitted: 21 April 2021 Accepted: 22 June 2021

Published: 15 October 2021

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Selected Papers from the 2021 AGOA Society)

*Corresponding Author(s): Laura Baquedano Mainar E-mail:


Objective: Resilience and health-related quality of life are factors to be valued today in all types of patients for their relationship to well-being and health. Any stressful situation can significantly impact quality of life and resilience and there are numerous scales to rate these aspects. The main objective of this review is to describe the most used health-related quality of life and resilience scales in gynecological and breast cancer patients to highlight the limitations. Data sources: A review of literature in Pubmed, MEDLINE, Cochrane Database and Google Scholar was carried out to identify articles on health-related quality of life in oncological patients published in English between 2000 and 2020. Methods of study selection: The review was done following the PRISMA guidelines. Tabulation: A total of 460 papers were identified using MeSH terms but finally, according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, we evaluated 41. Integration and results: Questionnaires have a good performance to quantify qual-ity of life and resilience in oncological patients in general. However, most publications were not focused on patients with gynecological cancer. Conclusions: Due to the particularities of the group of patients with gynecologic and breast cancer secondary to their treatment significantly affecting several areas and domains, it is necessary to validate specific scales for them in order to offer these patients the correct management of their disease at all levels. The role of resilience, premature and iatrogenic menopause and mutilating surgeries are essential to understand the uniqueness of health-related quality of life in gynecological and breast cancer patients.


Resilience; Health related quality of life; Gynecological cancer; Breast cancer

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Ana Cristina Ruiz Peña,Yasmina José Gutiérrez,Javier Navarro Sierra,Andrea Espiau Romera,Pluvio Coronado Martín,Laura Baquedano Mainar. Health related quality of life scales in women diagnosed with gynecological and breast cancer: the role of resilience. A systematic review. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2021. 42(5);1048-1057.


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