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Differential gene expression profile in cervical cancer and parenchyma infected with human papillomavirus 16 screened by cDNA microarray

  • Y. L. Wang1,2
  • X. P. Ding1,*,
  • Z. R. Xiong3
  • H. Liao2

1Key Laboratory of Bio-resources and Eco-environment, Ministry of Education, Institute of Medical Genetics, College of Life Science, Sichuan University, Chengdu

2People’s Hospital of Pengzhou, Chengdu

3Gene Company Limited, Chengdu (China)

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo340205 Vol.34,Issue 2,March 2013 pp.132-137

Published: 24 March 2013

*Corresponding Author(s): X. P. Ding E-mail:


Purpose of investigation: The object of this study was to observe differential gene expression profiles related to human papillomavirus (HPV) associated with postoperative cervical cancer. Materials and Methods: Three women with cervical cancer and infected with HPV 16 were selected by a genotyping method. Samples of tissue were collected from the tumor center (T), from the adjacent tumor (N), and from tissues distal to the tumors (F). Human gene expression in cervical cancers and parenchyma and normal cervical tissues was analysed using a gene expression system. Results: Comparison of T vs F samples revealed 673 differentially-expressed genes and comparison of N vs F samples produced 56 differentially-expressed genes. These genes were related to signal transduction, metabolism, immunity response, protein biosynthesis, and expressed sequences tags (ESTs). Conclusion: Therefore the authors conclude that differences in gene expression could be seen among cervical cancers and the parenchyma and the normal cervical tissues.


Cervical carcinoma; Human papillomavirus; Gene expression; Gene microarray.

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Y. L. Wang,X. P. Ding,Z. R. Xiong,H. Liao. Differential gene expression profile in cervical cancer and parenchyma infected with human papillomavirus 16 screened by cDNA microarray. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2013. 34(2);132-137.


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