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European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology (EJGO) is published by MRE Press from Volume 43 Issue 3 (2022). Previous articles were published by another publisher, and they are hosted by MRE Press on www.ejgo.net as a courtesy and upon agreement with European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology.
Leiomyomatosis peritonealis disseminata: an additional case
1Department of Medical Biotechnologies, Section of Pathology Anatomy Section, University of Siena, Siena
2University “Magna Graecia” of Catanzaro, Catanzaro (Italy)
*Corresponding Author(s): B.J. Rocca E-mail: maradot@libero.it
Leiomyomatosis peritonealis disseminata (PPD) is a rare smooth muscle tumour of women in the reproductive age. It is characterized by multiple small nodules on the peritoneal surface, mimicking a metastatic process. To date, about 100 cases have been reported in literature. The authors herein present an additional case consisting of multiple nodules located on the surface of the omentum, parietal peritoneum, as well as colon and rectum wall in a patient without signs of excess of estrogen, progesterone, or steroid hormones nor treated with hormones for any reason. The patient has been submitted to laparoscopic myomectomy few years ago. Microscopically, these nodules consisted of bundles of spindle-shaped smooth muscle cells (positive for smooth muscle actin, desmin, estrogen, and progesterone receptor). A brief review of the literature on the pathogenesis of the disease is also added.
Leiomyomatosis peritonealis disseminata; Pathogenesis; Behaviour.
A. Barone, B.j. Rocca, M.g. Mastrogiulio, Xa. Ambrosio, R. Santopietro. Leiomyomatosis peritonealis disseminata: an additional case. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2014. 35(2);188-191.
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