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Immunotherapy with dendritic cells for gynecological neoplasias: a new therapeutic approach?

  • M.A. Michelin1
  • E.F.C. MURTA2,*,

1Discipline of Immunology, MG, Brazil

2Discipline of Gynecology and Obstetrics Oncological Research Institute (IPON), Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro, Uberaba, MG, Brazil

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201206598 Vol.33,Issue 6,November 2012 pp.598-600

Published: 10 November 2012

*Corresponding Author(s): E.F.C. MURTA E-mail:


The immune system consists of a complex collection of mediators and cells that act in a coordinated way to eliminate neoplastic cells. One of immunotherapy's promises is the development of cellular vaccines, or more specifically, vaccines with dendritic cells. However, we still have a lot left to study and learn, since we already know that patients with tumors of the same histological grade can have completely different behaviors when given the same immunological stimulus. We believe that antitumor immunotherapy will lead to a personalized vaccine, since the scheme of treatment, the stimuli and the dosages need to be tailored to each patient.


Immunotherapy; Dendritic cells; Neoplasia

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M.A. Michelin,E.F.C. MURTA. Immunotherapy with dendritic cells for gynecological neoplasias: a new therapeutic approach?. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2012. 33(6);598-600.


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