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The role of surgery in patients with advanced gynaecological cancers participating in phase I clinical trials

  • J. Vitfell-Pedersen1
  • T.A. Yap1
  • V. Moreno1
  • R.D. Baird1
  • A.Z. Khan1
  • D.P.J. Barton1
  • S.B. KAYE1,*,

1Drug Development Unit, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Downs Road, Sutton, Surrey, UK

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201202211 Vol.33,Issue 2,March 2012 pp.211-213

Published: 10 March 2012

*Corresponding Author(s): S.B. KAYE E-mail:


Objective: While gynaecological cancer patients who participate in Phase I clinical trials are not routinely considered for elective surgery because of a short life expectancy, this should not be overlooked in carefully selected responding patients. Methods/Results: We describe two cases of patients with different gynaecological cancers, who received treatment within separate phase I trials, and who then proceeded to surgical resection of their cancers, resulting in complete remission. Conclusion: Surgery, when feasible, should be taken into consideration as a potential management option, even when patients are receiving treatment within a phase I trial.


Phase I trial; Gynaecological cancers; Surgery

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J. Vitfell-Pedersen,T.A. Yap,V. Moreno,R.D. Baird,A.Z. Khan,D.P.J. Barton,S.B. KAYE. The role of surgery in patients with advanced gynaecological cancers participating in phase I clinical trials. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2012. 33(2);211-213.


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