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Could endometrial cytology be helpful in detecting endometrial malignancies ?

  • U. Indraccolo1,*,
  • C. Bracalenti2
  • R. Di Iorio3
  • S.R. Indraccolo3

1Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy

2Department of Clinical Pathology, Operative Unit of Pathology, ASUR 9, Marche, Marche, Italy

3Department of Woman’s Health, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo20120160 Vol.33,Issue 1,January 2012 pp.60-61

Published: 10 January 2012

*Corresponding Author(s): U. Indraccolo E-mail:


This short communication assesses the concordance indexes between hysteroscopic biopsies and endometrial cytology for each endometrial pattern found in a sample of 37 women. Patients underwent endometrial cytology under sonographic guidance. The specimens were obtained with an endocervical brush and were fixed on slides (no liquid-based methods). After endometrial cytology, hysteroscopy with biopsy was performed. The best concordance index was found for endometrial malignancies, suggesting that endometrial cytology is able to detect cancers but not other endometrial diseases, as compared with endometrial hysteroscopic biopsies. Therefore, the overall concordance index suggests a fair concordance between histological and cytological findings. This leads us to conclude that usual endometrial cytology should not be recommended to screen endometrial diseases, but it may be used as an alternative diagnostic tool when hysteroscopic biopsies or other blinded procedures for endometrial sampling are unwanted, because it allows malignancies to be detected as well as hysteroscopic-guided biopsies.


Endometrial cytology; Endometrial biopsy; Diagnosis

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U. Indraccolo,C. Bracalenti,R. Di Iorio,S.R. Indraccolo. Could endometrial cytology be helpful in detecting endometrial malignancies ?. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2012. 33(1);60-61.


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