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The chemosensitivity of nodal metastases in recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer

  • F. Kataoka1
  • H. Tsuda1,*,
  • H. Nomura1
  • T. Chiyoda1
  • E. Tominaga1
  • A. Suzuki1
  • N. Susumu1
  • D. Aoki1

1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201102160 Vol.32,Issue 2,March 2011 pp.160-163

Published: 10 March 2011

*Corresponding Author(s): H. Tsuda E-mail:


Purpose: In this study, we compared second-line chemotherapy effects of nodal metastases with other metastases sites. Methods: The medical records of 44 women with recurrent ovarian cancer who received second-line chemotherapy were retrospectively reviewed. Results: Median age at the time of second-line chemotherapy was 55 years (range: 31-74). Recurrent sites were as follows: 29 patients had a solitary site (abdominal cavity: 8; lymph node: 3; pelvic cavity: 10; liver: 4; lung: 4) and 15 patients had multiple sites In total, the response rate was 30% (CR: 8, PR: 5). The response rate in sensitive cases was higher than in refractory/resistant cases (50% vs 5% p = 0.002). However, age, chemotherapy regimen, histologic type and number of diseases were not related with chemotherapy effect. In all diseases, response rate tended to be higher in lymph node disease than in the others (44% vs 27%). In both sensitive and refractory/resistant cases, response rate tended to be higher in lymph node disease. Conclusion: The response rate for lymph node diseases tended to be relatively high. Further study analyzing survival will be required to conclude the chemotherapy effect.


Second-line chemotherapy; Recurrence; Lymph node; Recurrent site

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F. Kataoka,H. Tsuda,H. Nomura,T. Chiyoda,E. Tominaga,A. Suzuki,N. Susumu,D. Aoki. The chemosensitivity of nodal metastases in recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2011. 32(2);160-163.


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