Article Type
Special Issue
Leptin receptor expression in neoplastic and normal ovarian and endometrial tissue
1“Doctor’s Hospital”, Patission& Kefalinias Athens, Greece
2Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, University Hospital of Larissa, Mezourlo, Larissa
3Department of Biology, University Hospital of Larissa, Mezourlo, Larissa
4Department of Pharmacology, University Hospital of Larissa, Mezourlo, Larissa
5Department of Genetics and Biotechnology, Faculty of Biology, University of Athens, Panepistimioupoli, Ilissia
6Department of Surgery, University Hospital of Larissa, Mezourlo, Larissa, Greece
*Corresponding Author(s): F. Mantzos E-mail: fotismantzos@gmail.com
Purpose: The objective of this study was to investigate the expression of leptin receptors in benign and malignant tumors of the ovaries and endometrium and its association with body mass index (BMI). Methods: Histological uterine and ovarian samples of normal and neoplastic tissue from 35 patients aged 37-72 years were examined for the expression of leptin receptors with the method of RT-PCR. T. Results: A BMI > 30 was correlated with increased expression of leptin receptors. Both Ra and Rb receptors were expressed in normal and neoplastic tissues. A statistically significant difference in leptin receptor expression was detected between normal and neoplastic tissue, with expression being around 5-fold higher in neoplatic tissue. Conclusion: Endometrial neoplasms and long leptin isoform receptor expression were associated with an increased BMI. A role of long isoform in endometrial carcinogenesis is proposed.
Leptin; Receptor; Cancer; Endometrium; Ovary
F. Mantzos,P. Vanakara,S. Samara,G. Wosniak,P. Kollia,I. Messinis,C. Hatzitheofilou. Leptin receptor expression in neoplastic and normal ovarian and endometrial tissue. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2011. 32(1);84-86.
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