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E-cadherin expression in estrogen receptor-positive and negative breast carcinomas of postmenopausal women

  • B.B. da Silva1,*,
  • A.R. dos Santos1
  • C.G. Pires1
  • M.A. Correa-Lima1
  • J.D.D. Pereira-Filho1
  • L.G. dos Santos1
  • C.S. Moura1
  • P.V. Lopes-Costa1

1Department of Gynecology, Mastology Division, Hospital Getúlio Vargas, Federal University of Piauí, Teresina, Piauí (Brazil)

Academic Editor: B.B. da Silva

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo20100190 Vol.31,Issue 1,January 2010 pp.90-93

Published: 10 January 2010

*Corresponding Author(s): B.B. da Silva E-mail:


Background: Preservation of E-cadherin expression is usually related to non-invasive and well differentiated breast carcinomas. Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate E-cadherin immunohistochemical expression in estrogen receptor (ER) positive and negative infiltrating ductal breast carcinomas. Methods: Twenty-three postmenopausal patients with Stage II, operable, infiltrating ductal breast carcinomas were divided into groups A (ER+; n = 13) and B (ER-; n = 10). E-cadherin immunohistochemical expression was assessed semiquantitatively according to membrane staining intensity and classified as negative (p< 10% of cells with stained mem-branes), positive + (10-50% of cells stained) or positive ++ (p> 50% of cells stained). Fisher’s exact test was used to compare the dis-tribution of staining intensity in the two groups (p < 0.05). Results: In group A (ER+), E-cadherin staining was positive in all cases: + (n = 3; 23%) and ++ (n = 10; 77%) compared to three cases (30%) in group B (ER-), + (n = 2; 20%) and ++ (n = 1; 10%). This difference was statistically significant (p < 0.0005). Conclusions: The present results indicate that E-cadherin expression loss is signifi-cantly associated with ER-negative tumors and therefore with a more aggressive phenotype of invasive ductal breast carcinoma.


Breast; Cancer; E-cadherin; Estrogen receptor; Cell adhesion molecules.

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B.B. da Silva,A.R. dos Santos,C.G. Pires,M.A. Correa-Lima,J.D.D. Pereira-Filho,L.G. dos Santos,C.S. Moura,P.V. Lopes-Costa. E-cadherin expression in estrogen receptor-positive and negative breast carcinomas of postmenopausal women. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2010. 31(1);90-93.


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