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Chemotherapy (CT) with radiotherapy versus CT alone for FIGO Stage IIIc endometrial cancer

  • 'M. Matsuura'1',
  • T. Suzuki 1*
  • M. Morishita 1
  • R. Tanaka 1
  • E. Ito 1
  • T. Saito 1

1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sapporo Medical University, Sapporo (Japan)

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo20090140 Vol.30,Issue 1,January 2009 pp.40-44

Published: 10 January 2009

*Corresponding Author(s): T. Suzuki E-mail:


To determine optimal treatment for women with Stage IIIc endometrial carcinoma, extended-field radiotherapy (RT) plus chemotherapy (CT) was compared versus CT alone as adjuvant therapy. Twenty-nine patient's with FIGO Stage IIIc endometrial cancer who underwent adjuvant treatment with 4.4 courses of CT (CAP or TC/DC) or 4.5 Courses of CT (CAP or TC/DC) plus external pelvic RT (50 Gy) with paraaortic boost after surgery between 1992 and 2004 were retrospectively assessed. Fifteen patients underwent CT alone and 14 received combined treatment with CT/RT. Following treatment, the recurrence rate was 46.6% and 28.5% in the two treatment arms. respectively. There was a significant (p < 0.05) difference in the pelvic recurrence rate (33.3% and 7.1%, respectively). Combined treatment with RT/CT was associated with a better survival rate than CT alone (78% versus 62%, respectively). In Stage IIIc endometrial cancer, combined treatment with RT and CT reduces pelvic recurrence and improves progression-free survival and overall Survival compared with CT alone.


Stage IIIc endometrial cancer; Endometrioid carcinoma; Chemotherapy; Radiotherapy; Overall survival

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'M. Matsuura,T. Suzuki , M. Morishita ,R. Tanaka ,E. Ito ,T. Saito . Chemotherapy (CT) with radiotherapy versus CT alone for FIGO Stage IIIc endometrial cancer. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2009. 30(1);40-44.


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