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Bilateral breast metastasis of ovarian carcinoma

  • Dursun P1 * 
  • Yanik FB1
  • Kuscu E1
  • Gultekin M1
  • Ayhan A1

1Baskent Univ, Sch Med, Dept Obstet & Gynecol, Ankara, Turkey

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo20090109 Vol.30,Issue 1,January 2009 pp.9-12

Published: 10 January 2009

*Corresponding Author(s): Dursun P E-mail:


Primary breast carcinoma is the most common malignancy in women, however, metastatic breast carcinoma is rarely seen in clinical practice. It has been reported that lymphoma-leukemia, melanoma and sarcomas, the most common primary malignancies, can metastasize to the breast. On the other hand, ovarian carcinoma and other gynecologic cancers rarely develop into breast metastasis. However, the incidence of breast metastasis arising from ovarian carcinoma might be increasing as a result of prolongation in survival and improvement in treatment modalities. Bilateral breast metastasis originating from an ovarian carcinoma is an extremely rare clinico-pathological situation. In our literature review we found just nine cases of bilateral breast metastasis from primary ovarian carcinoma. In this study, the mean age was 46 years (range 16-68). Mean interval from initial diagnosis of ovarian carcinoma to bilateral breast metastases was 22 months (range 11-24) and mean survival was 12 (range 5-27) months after the diagnosis of breast metastasis. Serous papillary adenocarcinoma was the predominant histological subtype. Interestingly, five of the nine (56%) cases reported were from Turkey. This interesting observation can be explained by a genetic predisposition, but it requires further research. In conclusion, although it is a rare entity, breast metastasis should not be ruled out in patients with a history of ovarian carcinoma, if patients present with any symptoms of breast diseases.


Ovarian carcinoma; Breast metastasis; Bilateral breast metastasis; Distance metastasis

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Dursun P,Yanik FB,Kuscu E,Gultekin M,Ayhan A. Bilateral breast metastasis of ovarian carcinoma. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2009. 30(1);9-12.


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