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Sentinel node biopsy for ipsilateral breast cancer recurrence: a review

  • G. Palit1
  • Y. Jacquemyn1,*,
  • W. Tjalma1

1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Antwerp University Hospital UZA, Edegem, Belgium

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200806565 Vol.29,Issue 6,November 2008 pp.565-567

Published: 10 November 2008

*Corresponding Author(s): Y. Jacquemyn E-mail:


The ann of this study was to review published reports oil the feasability, results, and reliability of sentinel node biopsy in cases of ipsilateral recurrent breast cancer. A Medline search Oil publications from January 1999 to December 2007 and cross-references in published articles were looked for. We identified 16 reports on sentinel node biopsy ill recurrent breast cancer. including a total of 287 patients. In 210/287 (73.2%) a sentinel node was identified. 77/210 (37.7%) had had previous axillary lymph node dissection and 13 1 (62.3%) a previous sentinel node procedure. Aberrant lymphatic drainage, other than the ipsilateral axilla was noted ill 68/210 (32.4%). Of these 16/68 (23.6%) were located in the contralateral axilla. Of the removed contralateral axillary sentinel nodes 8/17 (47.1%) were invaded by cancer. We Conclude that sentinel node biopsy ill Cases of recurrent ipsilateral breast cancer is feasible. fit about 0110 out of three cases drainage to the contralateral axilla with invasion in almost half the cases takes place. The therapeutical consequences of these findings need further study.


Sentinel node; Breast cancer; Recurrent; Lymphatic drainage

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G. Palit,Y. Jacquemyn,W. Tjalma. Sentinel node biopsy for ipsilateral breast cancer recurrence: a review. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2008. 29(6);565-567.


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