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Bcl-2 oncogene expression in estrogen receptor-positive and negative breast carcinoma

  • L.G. dos Santos1,2
  • P.V. Lopes-Costa2
  • A.R. dos Santos2
  • G. Facina3
  • B.B. da Silva1,*,

1Department of Pathology, Brazil

2Department of Gynecology, Federal University of Piauí, Teresina, Piauí, Brazil

3Department of Gynecology, Federal University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200805459 Vol.29,Issue 5,September 2008 pp.459-461

Published: 10 September 2008

*Corresponding Author(s): B.B. da Silva E-mail:


Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate Bcl-2 oncogene expression in estrogen receptor (ER)-positive and negative breast carcinomas. Methods: A Study involving 72 cases of infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the breast in postmenopausal women divided into two groups: Group A (ER positive, n = 37) and Group B (ER negative, n = 35). Immunohistochemical analysis of bcl-2 expression was carried out semiquantitatively based on the percentage of stained tumoral cells and the intensity of staining. The chi-square test was used in the statistical analysis of the data and significance was established at p < 0.05. Results: Bcl-2 oncogene expression was statistically greater in tumors of Group A (59.5%) compared to those of Group B (8.6%), (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Bcl-2 had a significantly greater expression in the ER-positive breast tumors compared to ER-negative tumors.


Breast; Cancer; Apoptosis; Estrogen receptor; Bcl-2

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L.G. dos Santos,P.V. Lopes-Costa,A.R. dos Santos,G. Facina,B.B. da Silva. Bcl-2 oncogene expression in estrogen receptor-positive and negative breast carcinoma. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2008. 29(5);459-461.


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