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The effects of anastrozole on neonatal rat skin

  • C. Akcali1,*,
  • S. Inaloz1
  • M. Karakok2
  • O.C. Demirtas3
  • N. Kirtak1
  • S. Inaloz4

1Department of Dermatology, School of Medicine, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep, Turkey

2Pathology, School of Medicine, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep, Turkey

3Biophysics, School of Medicine, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep, Turkey

4Histology and Embriology, School of Medicine, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep, Turkey

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200706534 Vol.28,Issue 6,November 2007 pp.534-536

Published: 10 November 2007

*Corresponding Author(s): C. Akcali E-mail:


Background: Anastrozole is a third-generation nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor which is used in the treatment of breast cancers. Anastrozole has also been used in the treatment of dermatomyositis skin eruptions but its direct effects on skin have not been well documented. Objective: To study the effects of anastrozole administration on neonatal rat skin. Methods: Forty Sprague-Dawley female newborn rats were separated into two control groups and two experimental groups (n = 10). One day after birth the control group of newborn rats were given daily 0.02 ml saline subcutaneously for a period of 15 days. The first experimental group of rats were treated with 0.05 mg/100g/day anastrozole subcutaneously for 15 days whereas the second experimental group of rats were given 0.25 mg/100g/day anastrozole subcutaneously for 15 days. Histopathological assessments were made and compared with the control groups. Results: Increased keratinization, strippling, hypertrophic epidermal cells and disorganization of the epidermal cells were observed in the first experimental group. In the second experimental group in addition to these pathologic findings acantholysis was observed. Conclusion: The administration of anastrazole in newborn rats showed considerable harmful effects.


Anastrazole; Rat; Skin

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C. Akcali,S. Inaloz,M. Karakok,O.C. Demirtas,N. Kirtak,S. Inaloz. The effects of anastrozole on neonatal rat skin. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2007. 28(6);534-536.


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