Article Type
Special Issue
The role of three-dimensional (3D) sonography and 3D power Doppler in the preoperative assessment of borderline ovarian tumors
11st Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, "Alexandra" Hospital, University of Athens, Greece
*Corresponding Author(s): K. Kalmantis E-mail:
Purpose of investigation: To determine the value of three-dimensional (3D) sonography and 3D power Doppler in distinguishing borderline ovarian tumors from benign cysts and malignant tumors.
Methods: One hundred and seventy-two women with a mean age of 37 years (range 28-45) and diagnosis of a confirmed pelvic mass were referred for preoperative evaluation with 3D sonography and 3D power Doppler. Sonographic criteria used for the diagnosis of borderline tumors were based on a system that included morphological characteristics, histological evaluation and power Doppler imaging.
Results: Ten lesions were histopathologically diagnosed as borderline ovarian tumors, 42 as malignant and 120 as benign. Three-dimensional sonography revealed 120 ovarian tumors which scored below 7 (benign), according to Kurjak's scale, 12 tumors which scored between 7-8 and 40 tumors between 9-13 (malignant).
Conclusions: Preoperative assessment of borderline tumors by 3D imaging may promote improved patient care and introduce laparoscopic management as an alternative surgical approach.
Three-dimensional; Power Doppler; Borderline tumors; Ovarian cyst; Ovarian cancer
K. Kalmantis,Th. Papageorgiou,A. Rodolakis,E. Lymberopoulos,G. Daskalakis,Z. Voulgaris,A. Antsaklis. The role of three-dimensional (3D) sonography and 3D power Doppler in the preoperative assessment of borderline ovarian tumors. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2007. 28(5);381-385.
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