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Epidemiological overview on the effectiveness of mass screening for female cancer in Umbria, Italy

  • L. Minelli1
  • F. Stracci1
  • T. Cassetti1
  • M. Scheibel1
  • I.E. Sapia1
  • F. La Rosa1,*,

1Umbrian Population Cancer Registry, Department of Medical-Surgical Specialties & Public Health, Public Health Section, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200704297 Vol.28,Issue 4,July 2007 pp.297-301

Published: 10 July 2007

*Corresponding Author(s): F. La Rosa E-mail:


Using incidence, survival and mortality we tried to verify the effectiveness of mass-screening interventions for cervical uterine, breast, and colorectal cancer in females. Mortality data concern the period from 1978-2002. Incident cases derived from an ad hoc survey for 1978-1982 data and from the RTUP from 01/01/1994 to 31/12/2002. Relative survival rates were calculated for 1978-1982, 1994-1997 and 1998-2002 time intervals. All standardized mortality figures showed a steady trend. Incidence rates concerning cervical uterine cancer showed a decrease starting from the 1978-1982 period, whereas those for breast cancer had a constant increasing trend, and those for colorectal cancer increased up to 1997-1999 and later remained constant. For breast cancer the 5-year survival rate increased about 15% compared to the first period, for colon cancer there was less of an increase and the increase for cervical uterine cancer survival was only for the 1998-2002 period compared to the former ones. With constant incidence rates, improvement in survival from cervical uterine cancer may be due to a high number of cancer cases detected at an early stage. The effect of breast cancer screening on incidence is evident, though differences still did not influence mortality and survival. Colorectal cancer epidemiology can be considered as a prescreening pattern. Mortality, incidence and survival data allow a good overview for the effectiveness of screening procedures.


Female cancers; Screening; Incidence; Mortality; Survival

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L. Minelli,F. Stracci,T. Cassetti,M. Scheibel,I.E. Sapia,F. La Rosa. Epidemiological overview on the effectiveness of mass screening for female cancer in Umbria, Italy. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2007. 28(4);297-301.


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