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Clinical cytohistologic correlations of lesions of the female genital tract: Our experience in Panama

  • J.L. Garrido Martinez1,*,
  • M.M. Diaz1
  • A. Villarreal1

1National Association Against Cancer (ANCEC), Social Security Foundation (CSS), Chemsa Foundation, Republic of Panama

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200703217 Vol.28,Issue 3,May 2007 pp.217-219

Published: 10 May 2007

*Corresponding Author(s): J.L. Garrido Martinez E-mail:


Between 1982 and 2002, applying the uterine/cervix cancer prevention protocol of the Gynecology Institute of the University of Padua [1] modified to our needs, we diagnosed 5,008 (53.8%) cases of oncogenic risk out of 9,312 evaluated patients. Values were obtained through the analysis of three diagnostic methodologies: colposcopy, cytology and directed biopsy, taking into consideration the limitations of each one of these and their effectiveness in identifying specific abnormalities or pathologies. The results fully demonstrate that the integration of the three diagnostic methodologies is necessary to decrease false-negative results.


Uterine cervical oncogenic risk; Cytology; Colposcopy; Biopsy

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J.L. Garrido Martinez,M.M. Diaz,A. Villarreal. Clinical cytohistologic correlations of lesions of the female genital tract: Our experience in Panama. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2007. 28(3);217-219.


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