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Effects of selective estrogen receptor modulators and genistein on the expression of ERα/β and COX-1/2 in ovarectomized mouse uteri

  • Y. Wu1
  • K. Niwa1,*,
  • K. Onogi1
  • L. Tang1
  • H.Mori2
  • T. Tamaya1

1Departments of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Gifu University School of 'Medicine, Gifu-city, Japan

2Departments of Tumor Patholog, Gifu University School of 'Medicine, Gifu-city, Japan

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo20070289 Vol.28,Issue 2,March 2007 pp.89-94

Published: 10 March 2007

*Corresponding Author(s): K. Niwa E-mail:


This study was performed to examine the effects of selective estrogen receptor modulators [tamoxifen (TAM) and toremifene (TOR)] and pure anti-estrogen, ICI-182780 (ICI, Faslodex) and soybean isoflavone, genistein (GE) on the expression of estrogen-stimulated c-fos/jun, ERalpha/beta and COX-1/2 in the uteri of ovarectomized mice. TAM, TOR, ICI and GE treatment significantly decreased the levels of estradiol (E2)-induced c-fos. ICI and GE treatment significantly decreased the levels of E2-induced c-jun and ERalpha expressions. High doses of TOR treatment significantly increased the E2-induced ERbeta expression. In contrast, ICI and GE treatment significantly decreased the levels of E,-induced COX-2 expression, thus suggesting that TOR and GE might prevent E2-related endometrial carcinogenesis.


SERMs; Genistein; c-fos/jun; ERα/β; COX-1/2

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Y. Wu,K. Niwa,K. Onogi,L. Tang,H.Mori,T. Tamaya. Effects of selective estrogen receptor modulators and genistein on the expression of ERα/β and COX-1/2 in ovarectomized mouse uteri. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2007. 28(2);89-94.


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