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Robotic surgery in gynecology

  • J.F. Magrina1,*,

1Department of Gynecology, Division of Gynecologic Oncology, Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ, USA

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo20070277 Vol.28,Issue 2,March 2007 pp.77-82

Published: 10 March 2007

*Corresponding Author(s): J.F. Magrina E-mail:


Robotic technology is nothing more than an enhancement along the continuum of laparoscopic technological advances and rep­resents only the beginning of numerous more forthcoming advances. It constitutes a major improvement in the efficiency, accuracy, ease, and comfort associated with the performance of laparoscopic operations.

Instrument articulation, downscaling of movements, absence of tremor, 3-D image, and comfort for the surgeon, assistant and scrub nurse are all new to the practice of laparoscopy. In our hands, robotic operative times for simple and radical hysterectomy are shorter than those obtained by conventional laparoscopy. Robotic technology is preferable to conventional laparoscopic instrumen­talion for the surgical treatment of gynecologic malignancies and most operations for benign disease of certain complexity such as hysterectomy myomectomy, and invasive pelvic endometriosis.


Robotics; Gynecology; Hysterectomy

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J.F. Magrina. Robotic surgery in gynecology . European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2007. 28(2);77-82.


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