Article Type
Special Issue
Brain metastasis and carcinomatous meningitis from vulvar squamous cell carcinoma: case report
1Oncology Department, Spain
2Gynecology Department. Hospital Clinic San Carlos, Madrid, Spain
*Corresponding Author(s): J. Puente Vazquez E-mail:
Background: Brain metastasis and carcinomatous meningitis from gynecological tumors are an uncommon event, usually related to choriocarcinoma, ovarian and cervical cancer. Case: A 74-year-old woman was diagnosed with locally advanced vulvar squamous carcinoma. Initial therapy consisted of multiagent chemotherapy and vulvar, pelvis and groin irradiation. The patient subsequently developed widely spread metastatic disease including brain and meningeal metastases. Conclusion: The rising incidence of central nervous system metastasis in the last two decades is probably associated with treatment-related improvement in life expectancy. To our knowledge, this is the first case reported of brain metastases and meningeal carcinomatosis associated with vulvar squamous cell carcinoma.
Vulvar cancer; Brain metastasis; Meningeal carcinomatosis
J. Puente Vazquez,S. Lopez-Tarruella Cobo,F.M. Antón,A.C. Asado,J.A. Vidart,P. Coronado,E. Diaz-Rubio. Brain metastasis and carcinomatous meningitis from vulvar squamous cell carcinoma: case report. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2007. 28(2);152-154.
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