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Survival and prognostic factors of patients treated for Stage I to Stage III endometrial carcinoma in a reference cancer center in Southern Brazil

  • S.A. Pessini1,*,
  • C.G. Zettler2
  • M.C.O. Wender3
  • L.C. Pellanda4
  • G.P.G. Silveira1

1Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Brazil

2Department of Pathology, Federal Facul八,Foundation of Medical Sciences, Santa Casa University Hospital

3Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

4Department of Public Health, Federal Faculty Foundation of Medical Sciences, Porto Alegre, Brazil

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo20070148 Vol.28,Issue 1,January 2007 pp.48-50

Published: 10 January 2007

*Corresponding Author(s): S.A. Pessini E-mail:


Purpose: To describe two- and five-year survival of patients with Stage I to III endometrial carcinoma and to identify prognostic factors.

Study design: Concurrent cohort study.

Patients and methods: Seventy-two patients were operated on by the same surgeon and followed up for at least two years. All the histopathological examinations were performed by the same pathologist. Survival was analyzed by the Kaplan-Meier method. Age, body mass index, tumor grade, myometrial invasion, histological type and stage were correlated with death.

Results: Overall survival at two and five years was 90.2% and 81.4%, respectively. By bivariate analysis, FIGO stage, myometrial invasion, tumor grade, histology, adnexal and/or lymph node metastasis and age were significant predictors of death (p < 0.05). Multivariate analysis revealed significant associations with death: FIGO Stage III (p = 0.001), histological type other than endometrioid (p = 0.027) and age 70 or more (p = 0.04).

Conclusion: Endometrial carcinoma Stage III patients, histological types other than endometrioid and age 70 years or more are at significant risk for death.


Endometrial carcinoma; Survival; Prognosis; Prognostic factors

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S.A. Pessini,C.G. Zettler,M.C.O. Wender,L.C. Pellanda,G.P.G. Silveira. Survival and prognostic factors of patients treated for Stage I to Stage III endometrial carcinoma in a reference cancer center in Southern Brazil . European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2007. 28(1);48-50.


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