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Case Reports

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Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix with an uncommon metastasis to the left iliac region - case report

  • R.-M. Valeri1,*,
  • K. Kaplanis3
  • Th. Apostolou4
  • A. Kiziridou2
  • A. Pantidou1
  • A. Boussoulegas5
  • Ch. Destouni1

1Department of Cytopathology, Theagenion Cancer Hospital, Greece

2Department of Pathology, Theagenion Cancer Hospital, Greece

3Department of Orthopaedics, lnterbalkan Medical Center, Greece

4Department of Breast Surgery, Theagenion Cancer Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200606625 Vol.27,Issue 6,November 2006 pp.625-628

Published: 10 November 2006

*Corresponding Author(s): R.-M. Valeri E-mail:


We describe a rare and interesting case of a basaloid squamous cell carcinoma (BSC) of the uterine cervix with metastasis in the left iliac region diagnosed by fine needle aspiration (FNA). A 54-year-old woman underwent FNA because of a mass in the left iliac region. The material was processed by conventional liquid based cytology (ThinPrep), and by the cell-block technique and diagnosis was based on the cytomorphologic and immunochemical characteristics as well as the patient's history. The cytologic diagnosis concerned a poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. After a laborious search, we found out that the patient had undergone a total hysterectomy almost 15 years before. The histological diagnosis then was an "infiltrative squamous cell carcinoma of basaloid type" of the uterine cervix. Our case is of particular interest because it is a rare type of neoplasm with an unusual site of metastasis after a long disease-free period.


Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma; Cervix; Squamous cell carcinoma

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R.-M. Valeri,K. Kaplanis,Th. Apostolou,A. Kiziridou,A. Pantidou,A. Boussoulegas,Ch. Destouni. Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix with an uncommon metastasis to the left iliac region - case report. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2006. 27(6);625-628.


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