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Nerve-sparing radical hysterectomy for Stage IA2-IIB cervical cancer: 5-year survival of 501 consecutive cases

  • Z. Papp1,*,
  • Zs. Csapo1
  • P. Hupuczi1
  • A. Mayer2

11st Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Semmelweis University, Hungary

2Oncoradiology Center of Uzsoki Street Hospital, Budapest, Hungary

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200606553 Vol.27,Issue 6,November 2006 pp.553-560

Published: 10 November 2006

*Corresponding Author(s): Z. Papp E-mail:


Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the 5-year survival and morbidity in cases with radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy with pre- and postoperative irradiation performed to treat Stage IA2-IIB cervical cancer.

Methods: During a 10(1/2)-year period between July 1990 and December 2000, 501 consecutive radical hysterectomies with bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy were performed by the same gynecological surgeon in Stage IA2, IB, IIA and IIB cervical cancer. The patients were treated by pre- and postoperative irradiation as well.

Results: Apart from recurrence, perioperative complications were minimal with no long-term morbidity. The absolute 5-year survival rates for the patients in Stage IA2, IB1, IB2, IIA and IIB were 94.4%, 90.7%, 84.1%, 71.1%, and 55.4%, respectively. The respective 5-year survival rates for patients without or with lymph node metastasis were 94.5% and 33.3% in Stage IB2, 81.7% and 48.7% in Stage IIA and 70.2% and 36.5% in Stage IIB, respectively.

Conclusions: Nerve-sparing radical hysterectomy with pelvic lymph node dissection and pre- and postoperative irradiation remains the treatment of choice for most patients with early-stage and even Stage IIB cervical cancer. The radicalism and extent of lymph node dissection and parametrial resection should be individualized and tailored to tumor- and patient-related risk factors.


5-year survival; Cervical cancer; Nerve-sparing radical hysterectomy; Pelvic lymphadenectomy; Pre- and postoperative irradiation; Wertheim operation

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Z. Papp,Zs. Csapo,P. Hupuczi,A. Mayer. Nerve-sparing radical hysterectomy for Stage IA2-IIB cervical cancer: 5-year survival of 501 consecutive cases. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2006. 27(6);553-560.


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