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CD24 expression is a poor prognostic marker in endometrial carcinoma

  • N. Karahan1
  • M. Giiney2,*,
  • B. Oral2
  • N. Kapucuoglu1
  • T. Mungan2

1Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Siileyman DemirelI University, lsparta, Turkey

2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Siileyman DemirelI University, lsparta, Turkey

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200605500 Vol.27,Issue 5,September 2006 pp.500-504

Published: 10 September 2006

*Corresponding Author(s): M. Giiney E-mail:


Objective: CD24 is a cell adhesion molecule that has been implicated in metastatic tumor progression of various solid tumors. Its expression is known to be related to the prognosis of several kinds of tumors. This study was designed to examine the prognostic significance of CD24 in endometrial cancer patients.

Methods: Forty-four endometrial carcinoma tissues were immunostained for CD24 antibody (Ab2, clone 24 C02). Cytoplasmic and membranous immunoreactivity were scored semiquantitatively by Fisher's exact test.

Results: CD24 expression was detected in 34 (77.3%) out of 44 cases. Membranous and cytoplasmic staining of CD24 was significantly associated with the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) grade (p = 0.011 and p = 0.002, respectively) and nodal status (p = 0.002 and p = 0.000, respectively).

Conclusion: Our data suggests that CD24 expression in endometrial carcinoma as detected by immunohistochemistry might be a new marker for a more aggressive endometrial cancer biology. CD24 is commonly up-regulated in endometrial cancer and this corroborates the importance of CD24 in tumor progression among these cases.


CD24; Endometrial carcinoma; Immunohistochemistry

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N. Karahan,M. Giiney,B. Oral,N. Kapucuoglu,T. Mungan. CD24 expression is a poor prognostic marker in endometrial carcinoma . European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2006. 27(5);500-504.


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