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Preliminary results of mitomycin C local application as post-treatment prevention of vaginal radiation-induced morbidity in women with cervical cancer

  • J. Sobotkowski1,*,
  • J. Markowska2
  • J. Fijuth3
  • A. Pietraszek1

1Gynaecological Radiotherapy Department, Copernicus Memorial Hospital, Lodz, Poland

2Department of Oncology, University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Lodz, Poland

3Chair of Oncology Medical University in Lodz, Poland

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200604356 Vol.27,Issue 4,July 2006 pp.356-358

Published: 10 July 2006

*Corresponding Author(s): J. Sobotkowski E-mail:


Purpose: To determine the usefulness of local mitomycin C application in the prophylaxis of vaginal narrowing after irradiation.

Material and methods: 31 patients with advanced cervical cancer qualified for the study. They underwent brachytherapy with iridium-192 isotope and external beam therapy with linear accelerators. In a blind probe method 16 patients were chosen to have an aqueous solution of mitomycin C applied to the vagina.

Results: Radiotherapy caused a shortening of vaginal length in both groups (study and control). In the "mitomycin C group" complete vaginal occlusion was visibly less frequent as were solid fibrotic vault changes.

Conclusions: This mode of morbidity prevention can potentially diminish the occurrence of local vaginal fibrosis and thus may improve patients' quality of life. Further investigations are needed to confirm these results.


Cervical cancer; Morb汕ty; Mitomycin C; Radiotherapy; Vaginal fibrosis

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J. Sobotkowski,J. Markowska,J. Fijuth,A. Pietraszek. Preliminary results of mitomycin C local application as post-treatment prevention of vaginal radiation-induced morbidity in women with cervical cancer. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2006. 27(4);356-358.


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