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Simultaneous endometrioid ovarian and uterine carcinoma diagnosed after an in vitro fertilization procedure- Case report and review of the literature

  • A. Ardavanis1,*,
  • M.V. Karamouzis1
  • A. Alexopoulos1
  • G. Rigatos1

11st Department of Medical Oncology, St. Savvas Anticancer-Oncologic Hospital, Athens, Greece

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200506654 Vol.26,Issue 6,November 2005 pp.654-656

Published: 10 November 2005

*Corresponding Author(s): A. Ardavanis E-mail:


Background: The presence of simultaneous carcinomas involving both the ovary and uterus is relatively uncommon, while the possible link between fertility drugs and carcinogenesis still remains controversial.

Case: The case of a 40-year-old patient with simultaneous aggressive endometrioid carcinoma of the ovary and uterus a few months after the sixth attempt of in vitro fertilization is presented. The patient had de novo lung disease at surgery and diffuse metastatic spread to adjacent bone, subcutaneous tissue and the central nervous system (CNS) soon after a spectacular response to the primary paclitaxel/carboplatinum chemotherapy and while on maintenance and second-line chemotherapy, respectively.

Conclusion: The fulminating course of our patient might in part be attributed to the existence of advanced disease at presentation. Definite conclusions about the possible association with the previously performed assisted reproduction cannot be drawn but close clinical surveillance of such patients before, during and after infertility treatment is strongly warranted.


Endometrioid carcinoma; Ovarian cancer; Uterine cancer; In vitro fertilization

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A. Ardavanis,M.V. Karamouzis,A. Alexopoulos,G. Rigatos. Simultaneous endometrioid ovarian and uterine carcinoma diagnosed after an in vitro fertilization procedure- Case report and review of the literature. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2005. 26(6);654-656.


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