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Radical hysterectomy: Past, present, and future

  • H.T.NG1,*,
  • M.S. Yen1
  • K.C. Chao1
  • C.Y. Chen1
  • C.C. Yuan1

1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Veterans General Hospital, National Yang-Ming Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200506585 Vol.26,Issue 6,November 2005 pp.585-588

Published: 10 November 2005

*Corresponding Author(s): H.T.NG E-mail:


After an analysis of 3,441 radical hysterectomies performed in our department, we found, after modification of the operative technique in 1983, the more lateral the excision the less the recurrence rate. The recurrence rate for Stage 1b-2a and Stage 2b patients comparing the years before 1983 to the years after decreased to 12.4% from 15.7% (158/1,006 vs 268/2,163; p = 0.009) in Stage 1b-2a and 24.6% from 55.8% (38/68 vs 47/191; p = 0.0007) in Stage 2b, respectively. With the modern trend of aspiring for an easier lifestyle, most physicians practice earlier. Therefore only very few physicians study radical hysterectomy. As the skill of surgery needs a longer period of education and training, it may only interest physicians who work with medical professionals as part of a team at a medical center. In the future, we should provide gynecological residents not only with a training program using the classic textbooks, but also with different points of view on changes and developments in radical hysterectomy. We hope to promote an attitude of offering patients access to different choices and opportunities of therapy. Radical hysterectomy is in fact a treatment option for patients with bulky cervical lesions and Stage 2b in particular.


Cervical cancer; Radical hysterectomy; Training program

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H.T.NG,M.S. Yen,K.C. Chao,C.Y. Chen,C.C. Yuan. Radical hysterectomy: Past, present, and future. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2005. 26(6);585-588.


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