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Differential gene expression assessed by cDNA microarray analysis in breast cancer tissue under tamoxifen treatment

  • M. del Carmen Garcia Molina Wolgien1
  • I. D. C. G. da Silva1,*,
  • F. E. Villanova1
  • A. Yumi Otsuka1
  • R. C. Borra1
  • L. F. Lima Reis2
  • A. F. Carvalho2
  • E. C. Baracat1
  • L. H. Gebrim1

1Molecular Gynecology Laboratory, Department of Gynecology, Federal University of Silo Paulo, Paulista School of Medicinel, Brazil

2Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Silo Paulo Branch, Silo Paulo, Brazil

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200505501 Vol.26,Issue 5,September 2005 pp.501-504

Published: 10 September 2005

*Corresponding Author(s): I. D. C. G. da Silva E-mail:


Our purpose was to identify tamoxifen (TAM) responsive genes after 30 days of TAM treatment in tumor tissues obtained from women with breast cancer using microarray expression analysis. In our study, we identified 12 candidates to be considered as tamoxifen-modulated genes. Among them, we selected two candidates the TEGT BI-1 (testis enhanced gene transcript Bax Inhibitor-1) and the CD63 gene in order to further confirm their differential expression under tamoxifen effects. We observed that both were down-regulated in tumor tissues of patients during TAM treatment. TEGT is able to inhibit the expression of Bax, which is known to promote apoptosis. On the other hand, CD63 encodes a cell membrane protein and it seems to be involved in mechanisms of platelet activation, cell adhesion and cell motility. We therefore hypothesize that TAM would be able to modulate tumor growth by down-regulating genes involved in mechanisms such as cell cycle control, tumor invasion and metastasis.


cDNA microarray analysis; Breast cancer; Tamoxifen

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M. del Carmen Garcia Molina Wolgien,I. D. C. G. da Silva,F. E. Villanova,A. Yumi Otsuka,R. C. Borra,L. F. Lima Reis,A. F. Carvalho,E. C. Baracat,L. H. Gebrim. Differential gene expression assessed by cDNA microarray analysis in breast cancer tissue under tamoxifen treatment. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2005. 26(5);501-504.


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