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Breast density changes associated with hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women. Effects on the specificity and sensitivity of mammographic screening

  • A. Patella1
  • R. Marziani1,*,
  • A. Schippa1
  • S. Benedetti1
  • S. Mossa1
  • B. Mossa1

1Department of Gynecological Science, Perinatology and Child Health, University of Study of Rome, "La Sapienza", II School of Medicine, Rome, Italy

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200505485 Vol.26,Issue 5,September 2005 pp.485-490

Published: 10 September 2005

*Corresponding Author(s): R. Marziani E-mail:


Postmenopausal HRT use is associated with an increase of mammographic density and reduction of sensitivity and specificity of mammography results and an increase of false-positive and false-negative outcomes. The increased density does not allow a good evaluation of the exam. Mammographic density is an independent risk factor for breast cancer, but the link between changes in breast density and difference in breast cancer risk, remain uncertain. On the other hand, today specific guidelines and protocols to optimize the screening of neoplastic breast pathology in HRT users do not exist and it is unknown if short-term suspension of therapy improves mammographic sensitivity. More information is required to define this important risk factor.


HRT; Mammographic density; Breast cancer detection

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A. Patella,R. Marziani,A. Schippa,S. Benedetti,S. Mossa,B. Mossa. Breast density changes associated with hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women. Effects on the specificity and sensitivity of mammographic screening. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2005. 26(5);485-490.


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