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Hysteroscopic findings of endometrial carcinoma. Evaluation of 104 cases

  • O. Triolo1,*,
  • F. Antico1
  • V. Palmara1
  • V. Benedetto1
  • S. Panama1
  • P.A. Nicotina1

1Department of Gynecological, Obstetrical Sciences and Reproductive Medicine, Department of Human Pathology University Hospital "G. Martino", Messina, Italy

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200504434 Vol.26,Issue 4,July 2005 pp.434-436

Published: 10 July 2005

*Corresponding Author(s): O. Triolo E-mail:


Purpose of investigation: Retrospective evaluation of hysteroscopic findings in the accurate diagnosis of endometrial carcinoma.

Methods: A retrospective monocentric study from January 1995 to December 2004. One hundred and four patients with hysteroscopic aspects evocative of endometrial carcinoma confirmed by endometrial biopsy during diagnostic hysteroscopy, by surgical hysteroscopic resection pieces or by hysterectomy specimen were included.

Results: Among the 104 patients, diagnostic hysteroscopy pointed out endometrial features suggestive of endometrial carcinoma in 102 cases. In two women diagnostic hysteroscopy failed to diagnose endometrial malignancy which was identified on pieces of polyps by surgical hysteroscopic resection.

Discussion: Polypoid proliferations cerebroid in appearance, with ulceration and necrosis, friable and with irregular vessels, represent endometrial findings highly indicative of malignancy. The diagnosis may be missed in cases of focal neoplasias, within endometrial polyps or in conditions of unsatisfactory endouterine visualization.


Hysteroscopy; Endometrial carcinoma

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O. Triolo,F. Antico,V. Palmara,V. Benedetto,S. Panama,P.A. Nicotina. Hysteroscopic findings of endometrial carcinoma. Evaluation of 104 cases. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2005. 26(4);434-436.


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