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Open surgical biopsy for nonpalpable breast lesions detected on screening mammography

  • C. Markopoulos1
  • E. Kouskos1,*,
  • K. Revenas1
  • D. Mantas1
  • Z. Antonopoulou1
  • K. Kontzoglou1
  • N. Nikiteas1
  • V. Kyriakou1

1Breast Unit - 2nd Department of Propedeutic Surgery, Athens Medical School, Laiko General Hospital, and 2nd Surgical Department, "Vostanio" Hospital, Mytilene, Lesuas Island, Greece

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200503311 Vol.26,Issue 3,May 2005 pp.311-314

Published: 10 May 2005

*Corresponding Author(s): E. Kouskos E-mail:


The aim of this retrospective clinical study was the analysis of histologic findings of nonpalpable breast lesions managed by open surgical biopsy. A series of 630 women underwent 664 preoperative localizations of nonpalpable, mammographically detected breast lesions during the last 10-year period. Indications for biopsy were (1) clustered microcalcifications, (2) solid mass, and (3) radiologic parenchymal distortion. The lesions were localized preoperatively using hook-wire methods, and all biopsies were performed under general anesthesia. Histopathology revealed carcinoma in 172 (25.9%) cases; noninvasive in 114 (66.3%) cases and infiltrating in 58 (33.7%) cases. The highest malignancy rate was found in cases with microcalcifications (112 carcinomas out of 323 cases, 34.7%). Lymph node invasion was present in 25% of patients with invasive cancers. The hook-wire localization of nonpalpable breast lesions is a simple, accurate and safe method for detection of early breast cancers. Frozen section is feasible and accurate in the majority of these lesions, and therefore, diagnostic and therapeutic one-step surgical procedures could be performed.


Breast cancer; Nonpalpable; Stereotactic biopsy; Localization; Mammography; In situ carcinoma

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C. Markopoulos,E. Kouskos,K. Revenas,D. Mantas,Z. Antonopoulou,K. Kontzoglou,N. Nikiteas,V. Kyriakou. Open surgical biopsy for nonpalpable breast lesions detected on screening mammography. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2005. 26(3);311-314.


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