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Quantitative telomerase activity in malignant, benign and normal gynecological tissues

  • B. S aygan-Karamiirsel1,*,
  • G. Dikmen2
  • P. Dogan2
  • T. Aksu1
  • S. Guven1
  • A. Ayhan1

1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Turkey

2Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo20050183 Vol.26,Issue 1,January 2005 pp.83-86

Published: 10 January 2005

*Corresponding Author(s): B. S aygan-Karamiirsel E-mail:


Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate quantitative telomerase activity in malignant, benign and normal gynecological tissue samples by using the Telomerase-PCR ELISA kit, and to determine a cut-off level for malignancy by this quantitative method.

Materials and methods: Fifty gynecological tumors, 27 benign gynecological disorders and 29 normal tissues were analyzed by the Telomerase-PCR ELISA kit. All tissues were confirmed by a pathologist. A ROC (receiver operator characteristic) curve was drawn to determine a threshold level best discriminating malignant tissues from benign pathologies and normal tissues. Telomerase activity was compared in malignant, benign and normal tissues.

Results: The mean level of telomerase activity of the malignant tumor samples (1.03 +/- 0.53 units) was significantly (p < .001) higher than the normal tissues (0.13 +/- 0.07 units) and benign pathologies (0.37 +/- 0.25 units). The cut-off point to differentiate malignant samples from benign samples was set at 0.42 units, where the sensitivity was 93.8% and the specificity was 89.3%. Positive predictive value was 84% and negative predictive value was 89.3%. There was a significant difference in telomerase activity between malignant, benign and normal tissues within each histological group.

Conclusion: In this preliminary study, the telomerase-PCR ELISA method was found to have a high sensitivity and specificity to differentiate malignant gynecological tissues from benign tissues.


Telomerase activity; Gynecological cancers; Telomerase PCR-ELISA

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B. S aygan-Karamiirsel,G. Dikmen,P. Dogan,T. Aksu,S. Guven,A. Ayhan. Quantitative telomerase activity in malignant, benign and normal gynecological tissues. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2005. 26(1);83-86.


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