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Diagnostic value of the PDD method in evaluation of vulvar lesions

  • Z. Nowakowski1
  • J. Stelmachow1,*,
  • B. Spiewankiewicz1
  • G. Gerulewicz1

1Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the 2"d Faculty of Medicine, Warsaw Medical University, Poland

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo20050175 Vol.26,Issue 1,January 2005 pp.75-78

Published: 10 January 2005

*Corresponding Author(s): J. Stelmachow E-mail:


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of photodynamic diagnostics (PDD), a method used in the diagnosis of vulvar lesions, and to determine its position and efficacy among diagnostic techniques generally used up to now. The projected purpose of the study in cases of vulvar lesions was realised by performing a detailed comparative analysis of sensitivity, specificity and diagnostic efficacy of PDD and vulvoscopy, as compared with histological evaluation of excised lesions.


Photodynamic diagnostic method; Vulvoscopy; Vulvar lesions

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Z. Nowakowski,J. Stelmachow,B. Spiewankiewicz,G. Gerulewicz. Diagnostic value of the PDD method in evaluation of vulvar lesions. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2005. 26(1);75-78.


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