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Ultrasonographic criteria and tumor marker assay are good procedures for the diagnosis of ovarian neoplasia in preselected outpatients

  • E.F.C. Murta1,*,
  • C.S. da Silva1
  • R.A.S. Gomes2
  • B.M. Tavares-Murta2
  • A.L.K.O. Melo3

1Discipline of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Brazil

2Department of Biological Sciences, Brazil

3Discipline cJj Imaging Science, Faculty of Medicine of Triiingulo Mineiro, Uberaba-MG, Brazil

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200406707 Vol.25,Issue 6,November 2004 pp.707-712

Published: 10 November 2004

*Corresponding Author(s): E.F.C. Murta E-mail:


Purpose of investigation: To identify parameters for the diagnosis of ovarian neoplasia using ultrasonography (US) and serum tumor marker (TM: CA125, CA19.9, CA15.3, AFP, CEA and estradiol) assay.

Methods: Prospective study which included 373 women with increased ovarian volume (> 18 cm3 in premenopause and > 8 cm3 in postmenopause). US criteria (> or = 1) for surgery were: persistent (> 4 months) or increased cyst, cysts with > 1 thick septum or > or = 2 thin septa, cyst diameter > or = 7 cm, vegetation, calcification or cystic predominance (> 50%), solid tumor (> 50%). Doppler with a resistance index (RI) < 0.4 was considered abnormal.

Results: Laparotomy was performed in 164 (44%) patients with 66 (40.2%) benign neoplasias and 19 (11.6%) malignant cases (73.6% at Stage I or II). Two hundred and nine patients were maintained on clinical follow-up. The sensitivity for neoplasia and malignant neoplasia was, respectively, for RI: 17 and 63.6 and RI plus TM: 53.1 and 90.9.

Conclusion: Ultrasound criteria and TM assay were indicated for the diagnosis of ovarian neoplasia.


Ovarian neoplasia; Ultrasonography; Tumor markers; Doppler

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E.F.C. Murta,C.S. da Silva,R.A.S. Gomes,B.M. Tavares-Murta,A.L.K.O. Melo. Ultrasonographic criteria and tumor marker assay are good procedures for the diagnosis of ovarian neoplasia in preselected outpatients. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2004. 25(6);707-712.


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