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Hepatic metastasectomy as a cytoreductive strategy for the treatment of liver metastases in breast cancer: Review of literature

  • M. Friedrich1,*,
  • D. Diesing1
  • A. Schroer1

1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital of Schleswig-Holstein - Campus Lubeck, Lubeck, Germany

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200405555 Vol.25,Issue 5,September 2004 pp.555-558

Published: 10 September 2004

*Corresponding Author(s): M. Friedrich E-mail:


The resection of liver metastases in breast cancer patients is a controversial therapeutical approach. No data of prospective randomized trials are available, thus evidence for the potential role of hepatic metastasectomy rests on retrospective studies with a small number of patients. Techniqual advances however have rendered hepatic metastasectomy safe and the long-term results of some studies possibly support the role of a surgical approach in selected patients.


Breast cancer; Liver metastases; Hepatic metastasectomy

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M. Friedrich,D. Diesing,A. Schroer. Hepatic metastasectomy as a cytoreductive strategy for the treatment of liver metastases in breast cancer: Review of literature. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2004. 25(5);555-558.


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