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Case Reports

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Solitary spleen metastasis and amyloidosis in a patient with endometrial cancer

  • H. Gogas1,*,
  • Th. Ignatiadis1
  • Ch. Markopoulos1
  • S. Karageorgopoulou1
  • D. Floros2
  • G. Vaiopoulos1

11st Department of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Laikon General Hospital, Greece

2Departnient of Pathology, Hellenic Air Force and VA, General Hospital, Athens, Greece

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200403391 Vol.25,Issue 3,May 2004 pp.391-393

Published: 10 May 2004

*Corresponding Author(s): H. Gogas E-mail:


Background: In contrast to autopsy findings, solitary splenic metastases from solid tumors are extremely rare. It may occasionally be the first manifestation of recurrent solid cancers, and in particular of gynecologic malignancies. Secondary amyloidosis is also found in malignancy.

Case: A 52-year-woman originally diagnosed with a Stage IB, grade 2 endometrial carcinoma presented two and a half years later with a paroxysmal non-productive cough, weakness, loss of appetite and daily afternoon fever. On clinical examination wheezing on forced exhalation and painful splenomegaly was found. After an extensive work-up the patient underwent an explorative laparotomy and a splenectomy was performed. Histologic examination showed solitary spleen metastasis with amyloidosis. All symptoms resolved. As the patient had received a full course of postoperative irradiation after a total abdominal hysterectomy, six cycles of combination chemotherapy were administered. The patient remains free of recurrence, 46 months later.

Conclusion: A case of solitary spleen metastasis with amyloidosis in a patient with endometrial cancer is presented.


Solitary spleen metastasis; Amyloidosis; Endometrium; Cancer; Case report

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H. Gogas,Th. Ignatiadis,Ch. Markopoulos,S. Karageorgopoulou,D. Floros,G. Vaiopoulos. Solitary spleen metastasis and amyloidosis in a patient with endometrial cancer. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2004. 25(3);391-393.


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