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Clinical review of 55 cases of malignant ovarian germ cell tumors

  • V. Zanagnolo1
  • E. Sartori1,*,
  • G. Galleri1
  • B. Pasinetti1
  • U. Bianchi1

1Department of Obstetrics/Gynecology, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200403315 Vol.25,Issue 3,May 2004 pp.315-320

Published: 10 May 2004

*Corresponding Author(s): E. Sartori E-mail:


Purpose of investigation: A retrospective analysis of 55 cases of malignant germ cell tumors in a 20-year period was done to evaluate the impact of conservative surgery and adjuvant treatment on survival and fertility.

Methods: Fifty-five cases of malignant ovarian germ cell tumors (MOGCTs) were studied. Mean age was 22 years. Dysgerminoma was the most common histotype (45%).

Results: Thirty-nine patients (71%) presented with FIGO surgical Stage I disease. Fertility-sparing surgery was performed in 39 (71%) women. Postoperative systemic chemotherapy was administered to 40 women (73%), 27 (68%) had received conservative treatment. One woman developed renal failure after the first cycle of chemotherapy and died a few days thereafter and there was one case of bleomycin-induced death due to pulmonary fibrosis. There were eight (14.5%) clinical recurrences. Overall survival rate for relapsing women was 75% (6/8). The recurrence rate for women treated conservatively was 15%, and it was 13% for those treated radically. With a median follow-up of 129 months the overall survival rate for the entire study-population was 90.9%. Eleven pregnancies occurred in 36 women treated with fertility-sparing surgery who were of child-bearing age.

Conclusion: The management of MOGCTs with fertility-sparing surgery is a safe, practicable treatment option. The majority of these patients can retain normal ovarian function and reproductive potential after chemotherapy treatment.


Malignant germ cell tumors; Dysgerminoma; Surgical treatment; Chemotherapy; Fertility

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V. Zanagnolo,E. Sartori,G. Galleri,B. Pasinetti,U. Bianchi. Clinical review of 55 cases of malignant ovarian germ cell tumors. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2004. 25(3);315-320.


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