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An analysis of different approaches to ovarian cysts in Italy

  • C. Romagnolo1,*,
  • T. Maggino2
  • P. Zola3
  • E. Sartori4
  • A. Gadducci5
  • F. Landoni6

1Gynecologic Department, Sacro Cuore Hospital, Negrar (VR), Italy

2Mirano (VE) Hospital, Italy

3Torino University, Italy

4Brescia University, Italy

5Pisa University, Italy

6European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200402183 Vol.25,Issue 2,March 2004 pp.183-186

Published: 10 March 2004

*Corresponding Author(s): C. Romagnolo E-mail:


The management of pelvic masses represent a rising problem due to the need to obtain an early diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancers.

Materials and methods: In order to evaluate the clinical and surgical approach to ovarian cysts in Italy, we sent a multiple choice questionnaire to 214 members of the Italian Society of Gynecologic Oncology (SIOG) and to 230 members of the Italian Society of Gynecologic Endoscopy (SEGi). Ninety-six resulted evaluable.

Results: Transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasound associated with CA125 determination represent the basis for the diagnosis, even if there is no univocal agreement on the ultrasound aspects that may define an ovarian cyst as doubtful. If an ovarian cyst, classified as suspicious, has been diagnosed in a postmenopausal woman, a wide range of therapeutic options have been reported: laparotomic hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy represent the treatment of choice for 49% of SIOG members, whereas laparoscopic bilateral (45%) or monolateral (39%) salpingo-oophorectomy represents the standard for SEGi members. Ultrasound criteria to distinguish among benign or probably malignant or doubtful ovarian cysts, the treatment of an ovarian cyst during pregnancy, and the management of an unexpected intraoperative diagnosis of borderline ovarian neoplasia are discussed on the basis of answers received by SIOG and SEGi members.


Pelvic mass; Ultrasounds; Markers; Therapy; Laparoscopy

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C. Romagnolo,T. Maggino,P. Zola,E. Sartori,A. Gadducci,F. Landoni. An analysis of different approaches to ovarian cysts in Italy. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2004. 25(2);183-186.


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