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The incidence of female genital tumors in the province of Sassari in the period 1992-2000

  • A. Cossu1
  • M. Budroni2
  • G. Capobianco3
  • D. Pirino2
  • G. Palmieri4
  • S. Dessole3
  • F. Tanda1
  • R. Cesaraccio2
  • P.L. Cherchi3,*,

1Institute of Pathologic Anatomy, University of Sassari, Italy

2Mu/tizonal Epidemiologic Observational Center, Azienda USL 1, Sassari, Italy

3Department of Pharmacology, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, University of Sassari, Italy

4Tnsititute of Biomolecular Chemistry, C.N. R., Sassari, Italy

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo20040196 Vol.25,Issue 1,January 2004 pp.96-98

Published: 10 January 2004

*Corresponding Author(s): P.L. Cherchi E-mail:


The incidence of gynecologic tumors in the Province of Sassari in the period 1992-2000 has been studied in order to estimate their value and to make a comparison with the data of the period 1974-83. The analysis of our data regarding the period 1992-2000, if compared with those of the previous period 1974-83, showed a change in the percentage distribution of all gynecologic tumors, with an increase in the incidence of malignant tumors of the ovary (from 17.1% to 28.0%) and a reduction in the incidence of endometrial carcinoma (from 52.1% to 45.0%). Cervix cancer seemed stationary with a mild reduction (from 26.8% to 23.0%). The data showed, with regard to the incidence per 100,000, an increase of endometrial carcinoma (19.05 per 100,000 vs 11.99 per 100,000) and malignant ovarian tumor (11.99 per 100,000 vs 3.95 per 100,000). Our data reported a worrying increase of hormonal-dependent tumors in North Sardinia such as endometrial and ovarian cancer with the highest increase in malignant ovarian tumors. In comparison to the previous period we confirmed a historically low incidence of cervical and external genitalia tumors (vulva and vagina) in North Sardinia.


Gynecologic tumors; Incidence; North Sardinia

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A. Cossu,M. Budroni,G. Capobianco,D. Pirino,G. Palmieri,S. Dessole,F. Tanda,R. Cesaraccio,P.L. Cherchi. The incidence of female genital tumors in the province of Sassari in the period 1992-2000. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2004. 25(1);96-98.


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