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Acute rnyeloblastic leukemia in pregnancy: a case report and review of the literature

  • M.S. Yucebilgin1
  • S. Cagirgan2
  • A. Donmez2
  • E. Ozkinay1
  • F. Akercan1,*,
  • L. Mgoyi1
  • F. Vural2

1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Turkey

2Division of Hematology, Department of Internal Medicine, Turkey

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200401126 Vol.25,Issue 1,January 2004 pp.126-128

Published: 10 January 2004

*Corresponding Author(s): F. Akercan E-mail:


Leukemia is a rare event during pregnancy. The presence of leukemia during pregnancy raises several concerns about the effect of pregnancy on the prognosis of leukemia, the effect of the disease on pregnancy outcome and the teratogenic and mutagenic effect of chemotherapeutic agents on the fetus. We report a case of acute myeloblastic leukemia diagnosed during the third trimester of gestation and treated with chemotherapeutic agents before delivery. The duration of pregnancy was able to be prolonged for four weeks after clinical diagnosis of the disease and then terminated by cesarean section due to the presence of signs of fetal distress.


Acute myeloblastic leukemia; Pregnancy; Preterm delivery

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M.S. Yucebilgin,S. Cagirgan,A. Donmez,E. Ozkinay,F. Akercan,L. Mgoyi,F. Vural. Acute rnyeloblastic leukemia in pregnancy: a case report and review of the literature. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2004. 25(1);126-128.


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