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Computed tomography findings of primary serous papillary carcinoma of the peritoneum in women

  • M. Kebapci1
  • O. T. YALCIN1,*,
  • E. Diindar3
  • S. S. Ozalp2
  • T. Kaya3

1Department of Radiology, Turkey

2Department cif Gynecology and Obstetrics, Turkey

3Department of Pathology, Osmangazi University School of Medicine, Eskisehir, Turkey

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200306552 Vol.24,Issue 6,November 2003 pp.552-556

Published: 10 November 2003

*Corresponding Author(s): O. T. YALCIN E-mail:


With the aim to describe preoperative computed tomography (CT) findings, the clinical, histopathological, and CT findings of the 12 consecutive patients with a confirmed diagnosis of primary peritoneal serous papillary carcinoma (PPSPC) were retrospectively evaluated. Of the 12 patients with a mean age of 57.5 +/- 10.3 years, ten (83.3%) were postmenopausal. Serum Ca-125 levels were elevated in all patients. Ten (83.3%) had Stage III and two (16.7%) patients had Stage IV disease and none of the excised ovaries had deep parenchymal involvement. The most common CT findings were the omental (n = 11), mesenterial (n = 11) and parietal peritoneal involvements (n = 10), and variable amount of ascites (n = 10). Pelvic peritoneal involvement in four (33.3%) patients was so extensive that it resembled a mass in the Douglas pouch. Thickening of the wall of gastrointestinal viscera (n = 9), lymphadenopathy (n = 5) and pleural effusion (n = 5) were the other CT findings and calcification was seen in only three (25.0%) patients. Although, none of them was characteristic, CT features of diffuse peritoneal, omental and mesenterial involvement especially in middle-aged or elderly postmenopausal women with normal-size ovaries in the absence of an identifiable primary site in conjunction with elevated level of serum CA-125 should suggest the possibility of PPSPC.


Primary peritoneal papillary serous carcinoma; Computed tomography; CA-125

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M. Kebapci,O. T. YALCIN,E. Diindar,S. S. Ozalp,T. Kaya. Computed tomography findings of primary serous papillary carcinoma of the peritoneum in women. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2003. 24(6);552-556.


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